I know that there is what appears to be a two man argument going on. Please don't let this discourage anyone from jumping in or replying to any part of the discussion, even something several posts back. Please put this message at the top of all posts, until it seems clear that it is no longer relevant.
Well, now I am contesting the science of your claim [I do not intent this to be a complete rebuttal- I am purposefully only addressing certain points right now]
Firstly, the statement that viruses do not change over time due to natural selection is just flat out wrong. The first example that comes to mind is the Common Cold, which mutates so much that immunity becomes obsolete after less than a year.
Moving on.
With almost any term or distinction, it is perfectly clear what that term means- until you zoom in on it at least.
To give an example of what I mean, green and blue are both useful words, and there are many cases where everyone would agree that something is blue, and many cases where everyone would agree that something is green. However, when one zooms in on the line, it turns out, there is not a clear line. It is easy to find colours that some would call green and others blue.
Something can be useful as a word, and still not actually have clearly defined parameters.
What then is a chemical reaction? A computer virus causes changes to the physical world on the microscopic scale, often changing magnetic states or manipulating individual electrons. I will admit that most chemists would not call that a chemical reaction, but say that it comes close, because most electric charge is fundamentally the main thing that factors into chemical reactions.
You say that memes are not living, and go on to say that they do not cause physical changes.
Ignoring the claim about genes being living or not, I will address the claim that they are not responsible for physical changes, and more specifically, not chemical reactions.
I make two main rebuttals to this point.
1) To say that a meme can not be credited with the physical changes that have a multi-step causal chain connecting them to the meme would be akin to saying that no prototypical effects could be associated with the genes that caused them, and that all you could credit to the gene is the formation of protein.
However, we can clearly establish that a given gene is linked to a given effect. Or course, any gene in isolation would not cause the effect- the prototypical effect can occur only in the context of the organism. This does not in any way decrease the validity of saying that GENE caused TRAIT.
I don't really see how it is different to say that IDEA [meme] caused METABOLIC EVENT. Just like with genes, one can trace the chain of causality back to the meme, and, just like genes, the effect only takes place in the context of the rest of the organism.
2) For a second, let us not treat an idea like an abstract object, and look at the actual science going on. Unless you are planning on rejecting neuroscience, you will agree that the brain handles thinking through a combination of neurons [with extreme significance on the ways in which they are connected to each other], as well as various chemicals that modify the function of, or interaction between neurons, including hormones and neurotransmitters, and including complex substances such as re-uptake inhibitors.
Almost everything that goes on inside the brain is chemical, ranging from the specifics of what causes a neuron to fire, to the actual mechanism of what happens at the neurotransmitter receptor sites, to the way that neurotransmitters get broken down.
Additionally, neurons themselves are full of the usual storm of chemical reactions that are characteristic of almost any cell, as well as much more specialized chemical reactions related to the action potential and the refractory period.
I should elaborate: When a neuron fires, it undergoes a large change in polarity [after first a small change in polarity caused it to fire in the first place]. After that, there is a very short period during which the neuron cannot fire, and is busy re polarizing itself. This is called the refractory period. Several chemical reactions are involved in the refractory period.
The reason I am saying all this is that an idea is not just some abstract concept. It must actually have some physical component, or, by definition, it would not be a part of our universe.
The physical existence of an idea, its body if you like, is a specific pattern of neurons and chemicals. At any given moment, every idea in your head has a set of neurons that are part of that idea. If something other than the normal action of the brain were to change one of those neurons, it would change that instance of the idea.
If you don't like that, or it doesn't feel right, I offer the following logical proof:
* An instance of an idea in a human consists of thought.
* The mechanical process that we perceive as thought fundamentally involves the manipulation of neurons and neuron-affecting chemicals in the brain.
* Thus, an instance of an idea in a human exists in the manipulation of neurons and neuron-affecting chemicals.
That proof was probably not necessary, but I am going for completeness.
Anyways, even if you refuse to accept that memes (ideas) are responsible for macroscopic changes, such as building a church, by their very nature, ideas as they exist in people, not only cause, but FUNDAMENTALLY CONSIST OF, chemical reactions as they pertain to neurons.
I will leave aside the discussions of viruses as life, and certain other points, for now.
EDIT: To respond to your second post, which got posted while I was composing this, what about a cell? That can metabolize and grow, but in multi-celled organisms, I don't think it would constitute the smallest unit of life, in the way that I think you meant earlier.
EDIT #2: Also, to your earlier point about how something doesn't necessarily need to be able to replicate/reproduce NOW, it just needed to at some point, what if I change the example to a Bull that was born sterile?