well, i meant that maybe a computer could perform self analysis without it feeling anything.
i mean, things could analyze things without feeling anything.
i mean, consider a circuit, with a switch a battery and a lightbulb. the light being on results from a property about oneself, namely switch position
however, no one would say that it could 'feel' the difference between on and off, right?
so, add some complexity.
what about something that adds a to the circuit a second lightbulb rigged to a solarpannel. now, it lights up because its switch is connected, but the second light bulb lights up based on simple analysis about if the first one is lit up. now, unlike the first one, this is clearly a simple form of analysis, introspection even. However, it seems pretty obvious it still doesn't feel anything. Like, it doesn't have two emotions- power and now power.
and all computers are just combinations of cirucits and stuff. as you go from one step to another, is there one magical extra wire that makes it wake up and go 'i can suddenly feel things' i don't think so.