Fetus assumed human vs mom
Fetus: smaller, can't think complex, can't move, doesn't rarely contribute to society other than a new young life.
Mom: bigger, complex thinking, can move, contributes through work and time to society (mom is not a criminal for this case)
Fetus and mom: both are living, both human DNA, both deserve to live.
If we base moral status point system in terms of size/mental capabilities/contribution to society, we do run into some problems.
Assuming the person was born with/un wantingly given mental disorders and genetically smaller, that's not fair since his/her genes determined that for the most part. As far as contribution to society, I think that's where we need to focus.
Example: President of the USA, people will willingly die for him because his role is much more needed in society than the individual (like body guards taking a bullet). Then again, a fetus has the potential to contribute more.
Ex. Let's say mom contributed 10k points so far to society and probably will do another 20k. The fetus on the other hand may end up doing a million points worth. So, should we define moral status in contribution on immediate contributions or potential? (Although the fetus is unknown and the mom has a 'starting point' to look at and make an educated guess with).
Please remember, I am assuming the mom in general has been what society describes as a 'good person.'
I am not arguing contributions should be used/not used, but want to see where it goes.
Final thought for anti-abortion. Mom dies/fetus lives=mom loses 30-60 years of life in her death, but the fetus gains 70+ Abort baby/save mom: fetus loses 70+ years, mom saves 30-60.
In this view, abortion is wrong since the loss of the baby results in a bigger loss of happiness. The reason we cannot use contributions of the mom is the case we don't know the contributions of the fetus yet.
http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/philosophy/docs/staff/bas7/The%20Status%20of%20Moral%20Status.pdfAlso explains why people usually save younger people as opposed to very old people should they have to choose.