Bandwagon effect does not apply to positive/negative rights in this case. No culture said "hey, cultures A-Y are doing positive/negative rights as part of their legal system, therefore we as Z should as well." Bandwagon effect is a type of persuasion that is an indirect appeal to the people. Cultures A-Y are not trying to show off. You don't really don't understand the problem here do you? I claimed that yes, just about every culture claims positive/negative rights, but I stated that as evidence that they do exist. Bandwagon effect would be like this:
Hey: everyone claims positive/negative rights, so should you. In this scenario, I have actually not given a valid reason as to why you should believe--->that is why it's a fallacy
Here is what I am saying: everyone claims positive/negative rights, therefore they exist. I fail to see evidence that suggests otherwise, I have only seen evidence to suggest strongly it.
So, what about Greece (virtue ethics) and divine command theory? They still use a type of positive/negative rights since these rights also exist in legal systems. Again they vary, but exist.
Lastly: the original question was something you kind of walked yourself into. It was kind of a sub-topic and your answer was a belief sentence, not a statement/argument. If you honestly never wanted to answer/really go about this question, your fault for not saying so. In the mean time, you have yet to really talk about my abortion argument much. Assuming the fetus to be human, I consider abortion an act in which it is letting die (sometimes a direct kill) of the fetus. I then argued that abortion is an act of letting die that is impermissible. For this reason it is murder and murder=immoral. Therefore abortion immoral. Don't agree? explain why.
Support for letting die being impermissible.
1) if the act of abortion is taken, then the fetus will die.
abortion is taken, therefore the fetus will die.
2) Using a converter: this is saying: All acts of abortion are acts in which the fetus will die. If we switch the fetus with human, which we can assuming the fetus is human: All acts of abortion are acts that will kill a human.
The key is define the ambiguous statement of kill: is it kill or murder?
Evidence for kill: women's body, women's rights. Painless death. Baby will end up dying anyways when it's born. Save one life or save another.
Murder: People do not control other people's lives. Abortion fails to meet the third party diagrams and does meet the Person A+--->B- diagram. Fetus is human and is not giving concensus for us to kill it. All acts that a fetus does are permissible. Lastly, save one life or another tries to put abortion the the third party diagram=incorrect.
Notice the evidence given for why abortion is 'killing' and not 'murder' are only excuses in logic. They actually make no claims as to whether the morality of their acts can actually be justified.