Note: Remember, Evolution is the theory of how life changes. It is not the theory of the origin of life nor the theory of the origin of the universe.
Humans have the ability to be the source of subjective value. (Ex: Pasta is valuable in part because I want it.) One of the many things people have decided will be valuable is truth.
One of the discoveries was falsification. The trait a theory may have such that if it were false then evidence that it is false must be possible. In this manner constant testing will allow the discarding of false theories and accumulate evidence that the non discarded theories are true.
Why bother to debate if evolution made the earth? No reason because evolution does not claim to have made the origin of life much less the earth.
Why bother to debate if evolution made the biodiversity of the earth or if a God pretending to be evolution did? No reason both act the same with the same random mutations and natural selection. Both can use evolution as the predictive model.
Why bother to debate if evolution made the biodiversity of the earth or if a God not pretending to be evolution did? Because the theory of evolution has evidence, is predictive and can be used to benefit society (cure genetic disease).
If heaven does not exist, and the Judeo-Christian god does, why live the way he commands? Because in the universe where the Judeo-Christian god exists it is both the source of moral definition and the omniscient omnibenevolent observer of that definition. However you are not obeying his commands so much as using his knowledge to obey the moral definition. However your belief in the Judeo-Christian god's existence would be (from your point of view) equally unsupported as all your other moral premises.
Why debate whether water is made from two hydrogens and an oxygen rather than two nitrogens and an oxygen?
Cheesy, that is important if one day we needed to make water in order to survive. Plus, I don't see how that relates the question I asked, are you agreeing it does not matter?
Old trees...I am in agreement with everything...except that last paragraph confuses me? Can you simplify it?
I agree, we can use science to determine a lot of things. One of my favorites is exactly what you stated: curing genetic diseases. But lets say God started the world/universe created all species and types of living things, and let science run from there? AGAIN DOES THIS MATTER?
I am having trouble understanding if you are saying it does or does not. In your post you kept asking why debate? Are you saying all this debate is pointless? Should we stop trying to 'convert' or argue our belief/evidence and let people do as they please (believe what they want) and just find out what happens after we die?
Richard Dawkins said the same thing: if he died and found out it was God who created, he said he would ask why be so silent/invisible to everyone? The devils advocate claims the same thing: either God is stupid or just plain cruel because so many are going to Hell God and it's all your fault.