Playing devil's advocate on why the stone paradox means nothing.
The issue that theists take with this argument is that it takes the same untenable stance as the issue of an unstoppable force colliding with an unmovable object. The fact that an unstoppable force can exist in a universe makes the concept of an unmovable object a logical absurdity and impossibility, making the ideas mutually exclusive.
You can compare the root problem with the question to another: What's north of the north pole? No such point exists, the question is inherently flawed.
Assuming a universe where God exists, that would mean no object could possess an unliftable state in the same universe as an omnipotent god, with god's power being the exclusive maximum point of the set of strength.
If you're familiar with the concept of mathematical infinity, it is also similar. Adding one to infinity is still infinity. If an object weighed infinity plus one pounds, and god could lift infinity pounds, because of infinity's nature his strength would still potentially be equal or greater than the stone's weight.