Yeah, I actually was hearing that on Fox news last night Kim. It seems all people really want is: higher taxes to those who make more. What was even more interesting is the rich people on the show even kept on saying it was fair. Seems rich people are on obliged to it. Warren Buffet implies this is fair as well.
@Trees:Quit trying to say I am arguing fiction. The only support for your claim that it is genetic is your word. If we take Wiki to be correct, then evolution will not support your claim. It must be a trait. Biology cannot show that evolutionary psychology or the evolutionary physicality is passed down other than by showing all humans possess the same trait expressed differently. Not an evolutionary force.
I think our disagreement right now is purely with inclusive fitness being a trait that is changed and passed down, like mice skin color, versus a trait that all humans possess and is expressed differently, like height. Inclusive fitness in my view is something we all have, but cannot be evolutionarily changed by genetics. Only culture can express it differently.
3) Please explain that difference because that sounds exactly the same.
Also trees, will you please explain why your ONE argument of inclusive fitness means to 'best form of government?' Also, instead of calling what I argue fiction, try understanding your posts leave out a lot of unnecessary information that must be included.
Example: when I talked about selfishness being culturally developed, you thought I misinterpreted your quote. The reality was, inclusive fitness is not an evolutionary force in my argument.
BTW, you called inclusive fitness 'genetic' and 'an evolutionary force.'