I think this should be into the politics section instead of the philosophy one.
I support Communism in general, but I can also see its flaws. Communism is one of the best political systems, but only if you manage to make it work the way it is supposed to be. The Communist Party must remain pure and ethical for an almost infinite amount of time; pretty difficult if we consider man's own greed and the corruption caused by the power. But, unfortunately, this is true to almost any political system...
In general, I believe Russia has gained more from communism than it has lost because of it, but that's only my personal opinion. It bringed industrial progress, overthrew monarchy, brought more modern/progressive way of thinking, connected a vast country with railroads and electricity and drastically helped in WW2 by defeating the majority of Hitler's army. The quality of life has been improved greatly during the Soviet years in Russia. But, in the Cold War of infiltration, spying and sabotage Soviet Russia had proven to have more traitors and/or corrupted power figures than the Western Capitalism. Those power figures completely ruining the Soviet economy, causing uprisings and leading to the collapse of the political system and the current state of ex-Soviet countries.