So I've got this new mod that reworks sneak and detection to make it more realistic. Started this playthrough a few days ago, so my character is only level 16. Normally I'd sneak snipe everyone and call it a day, but it's actually harder now.
My question is: how the heck do I beat mages? I currently have an argonian that's somewhat decent at both archery and one handed/block (as decent as a level 16 can get). If I stay far and try to use my bow, I get obliterated by fireballs or ice spikes. If I get to close, I get incinerated or frozen to death and I have to use like a million healing potions to even stand a chance. Getting behind cover doesn't really work as the fireball has such an insane radius I still take full damage.
Maybe I should just save a lot of gold to buy enchanted items that offer magic resistance, but that would just delay my death.
How do you guys approach such fights?