Welcome to Realm of the Mad God!
Realm of the Mad God is a massively co-op action RPG that drops you into the thick of the fight in a world overwhelmed by monsters. The game features online co-op gameplay in a huge “live world”, thousands of enemies, real-time action combat, leveling, loot, equipment and magic.
In one of the most well-designed pixel shooters, Realm of the Mad God uses the concept of classes and gives them each unique strengths, weaknesses and abilities. Try them out and find a class that best suits your play style or have a blast with all of them!
So come on and join in on the fun, our guild and let's do this!
Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned veteran, there is always something new to be learned. Make sure to check the RotMG wiki found
[HERE] for thorough and detailed explanations of the game!
Below are a series of guides created by fellow EtG players to help walk players through a variety of the elements of RotMG.
I. Introduction
So you're trying RotMG for the first time? Great! Remember that you're playing as part of a team! The great part about starting the game from within the EtG community is that you can enjoy the game already knowing that you play alongside friends. We're ready to help out, have a blast on voice chat and be there to console you when one of your characters goes poof. So, although these guides explain many of the components of the game, feel free to ask those who play if you have any questions!
i. SettingsSpoiler for Hidden:
Before even beginning your adventure, please make sure to check out the settings of the game! You can access Options by pressing the default hotkey
O. Feel free to play around with them to suit your gaming style!
The following option setup is recommended by
ii. Controls and HotkeysSpoiler for Hidden:
Now that settings have been adjusted, it's time to learn how to play! The following assumes that the hotkeys were not modified.
- Realm of the Mad God uses the classic default hotkeys for movement, WASD, meaning W for moving ↑ up, A for moving ← left, S for moving ↓ down & lastly D for moving → right.
- Aside from moving, one shoots by left clicking (or holding it down/ I for autofire) and uses the special ability of the class by using [SPACEBAR].
- Potions can easily be used through the hotkeys F for HP pots and V for MP pots. Be careful that you don't accidentally buy pots with in-game cash ($) as this is the default setting!! (See i. Settings)
- Learning to use R for returning to the Nexus is essential for escaping from near-death situations and, of course, using O one can always adjust settings.
- If Camera Rotation was turned [ON], learning how to use Q and E for rotating the camera counter-clockwise and clockwise respectively is crucial for navigating.
Though there are other hotkeys which have other purposes in the game and can be viewed in Options (
O), the ones mentioned are the most fundamental for gameplay.
iii. Unlocking ClassesSpoiler for Hidden:
As you first start your adventure, you'll first be able to experience the Wizard! While a very, very powerful class, especially later on in the game, you might ask "Hey! What gives? Why can't I try the other classes?"
Well, the way the game is set up, classes are unlocked based on a progression of experience with each class. The image below may help understand the way classes are unlocked.
On your first steps into Realm, you will begin on the wizard class. After reaching a certain level on each class, you will unlock other classes. For the classes on the first row, the level you must achieve on its precursor class is 5. The classes on the bottom two rows requires you to reach level 20 on their precursor classes.
iv. NexusSpoiler for Hidden:
In order to really understand the game, you will need to know what the following locations are:
- Nexus: Pressing R will bring you here, great for trading, saving your character's life at the last second and accessing different realms, your Vault, the Pet Yard, and the Guild Hall.
- Vault: Where you can keep some of your items! The game starts you off with one chest (each one containing up to 8 items), but there are more available... for the right price... $$$.
- Pet Yard: Luscious green stretches of pixels and dirt. Where your pets frolic and... fuse. (See VIII. Pets)
- Guild Hall: Where our guild unites! Gather for generic tomfoolery or just to get geared up!
Our Guild typically gathers in the server USSW (US Southwest). In order to change the SERVER you're playing on:
- From Nexus, Press O to go to Options
- Select "Back to Home"
- Select "Main"
- Select "Servers"
- Select "USSouthwest"
- Select "Done"
This changes the server, and can be done similarly with other servers, if needed.
- Realm: Behind the doors found in this area, adventure and loot awaits! Oh, certain death and regret will be there too.
II. Classes
Classes are a staple of most RPGs and are what bring diversity to RotMG. In RotMG, each class has a unique playstyle so find the one that best suits you!
Below are a series of guides which describe each class and give tips and tricks!
i. RogueSpoiler for Hidden:
ARCHER - Level 5
Love to hide? Sneak around? Enjoy staying alive while your allies are obliterated? You might enjoy the Rogue. With the ability to go invisible for a certain amount of time, you could be fighting at one moment and in another, *poof*, you're gone.
- Range: HIGH
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: MID
- Tips:
- Use your ability to flank enemies or save your hide. Not being chased helps.
- If enemies are chasing allies, bullets might still keep flying! Be careful if your health goes low while allies are around! Going invisible can only do so much.
- Use your invisibility wisely! There is always a 1 sec cooldown period between each time you cloak, so drinking multiple MP potions can help, but chain-cloaking? Nope.
ii. ArcherSpoiler for Hidden:
PRIEST - Level 5
Enjoy mowing down swarms of enemies? Then you might enjoy the Archer! With its ability to shoot many piercing arrows in a large cone, and slow or even paralyze foes with its Magic Arrow, the Archer is not to be messed with.
- Range: HIGH
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: MID
- Tips:
- Use your ability on stronger enemies mainly for getting the upper hand in positioning. While bows are great for shooting many enemies, the crossbow concentrates its power into single shots, so practice that aim!
- Your range is your strength, but don't be afraid to get a bit closer if it means landing more of the spread out arrows on one target.
- The ability to slow or paralyze enemies is excellent for improving aim, but it can also be used defensively for running off. Just make sure the shot lands.
iii. WizardSpoiler for Hidden:
UNLOCK: Starter Class
If you wanted to have a blast, the Wizard literally gives you no other choice! Mainly because you start off with this class, but also because of its high DPS, long range and ability to use spells to decimate enemies.
- Range: HIGH
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: LOW
- Tips:
- Stay far. Make the most of the Wizard's great range. Hide behind allies, if needed. They won't mind... right?
- Try to aim the spell blast at the center of bosses and other bulky enemies, if all the shots hit, the damage skyrockets.
- Great for shredding through enemies, and later on, through Godlands.
iv. PriestSpoiler for Hidden:
WIZARD - Level 5
Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time.
HP Potions won't last forever, believe me. Or maybe you just enjoy feeling needed. Enjoy that feeling... at least until pets come along.
- Range: HIGH
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: HIGH
- Tips:
- Remember that your MP has to be prioritized for yourself first! A healing priest is a good priest. A dead one? Not so much...
- Familiarize yourself with your ability range, it could mean the difference between life and death for others and more importantly for yourself. Keep in mind that higher level tomes increase HP healing rate. Use that to your advantage.
- With a decent healing pet, the Priest is very, very difficult to kill. An excellent solo class, if you don't mind the lower damage.
v. WarriorSpoiler for Hidden:
ROGUE - Level 5
Rally the troops and charge! With the ability to inspire allies and increase attack speed, the Warrior is the first Heavy Armor class we get to try out! A great class for tanking and damage, the Warrior jumps right into the fray!
- Range: LOW
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: HIGH
- Tips:
- Take into consideration which ally might benefit most from an attack speed buff. While the answer might be all, ideally, that doesn't always work out as planned.
- Enjoy the added defence and bulk, but be cautious of any Armor Breaking () effects or Piercing shots!
- Increased attack speed means increased damage percentage. Use this to your advantage when attempting to get in soulbound (SB) damage.
vi. KnightSpoiler for Hidden:
WARRIOR - Level 20
Look up the word tank in a dictionary and you'll find a picture of the Knight. Boasting -the- highest defensive potential, the Knight bashes through with his shield leaving enemies stunned.
- Range: LOW
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: HIGH
- Tips:
- You are the tank which means that you will be taking quite the beating. Priests or healing pets are vital for success as a Knight.
- Enjoy the added defence and bulk, but be cautious of any Armor Breaking () effects or Piercing shots!
- Use your increased bulk to gather enemies in a crowd and make that Shield Bash count! Stun and take 'em out!
vii. PaladinSpoiler for Hidden:
PRIEST - Level 20 &
KNIGHT - Level 20
Defensive and highly supportive, the Paladin can not only increase the healing rate of himself and allies around him, he can increase DPS as well! A versatile class capable of filling in a variety of roles.
- Range: LOW
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: HIGH
- Tips:
- Need damage? Buff. Need a tank? Buff. Just remember, Seals don't heal, they can increase max HP and HP healing rate! This is not instant!
- Enjoy the added defence and bulk, but be cautious of any Armor Breaking () effects or Piercing shots!
- When with allies, make sure to balance buffing allies and keeping yourself alive! Like with the Priest, a dead healer is a useless one.
viii. AssassinSpoiler for Hidden:
WIZARD - Level 20 &
ROGUE - Level 20
One of the most powerful offensive classes, the Assassin hits not only with fast-hitting Dagger strikes but also with debilitating and damaging Poisons which inflict large amounts of damage over time.
- Range: MID
- Movement: HIGH
- Survivability: MID
- Tips:
- Familiarize yourself with the amount of time it takes for the Poison to land. Some bosses have moments of vulnerability, and if the Poison doesn't hit then, the effect does -NOT- apply.
- Let the damage over time from Poison do its work while taking out other enemies to make the most out of each lob of Poison.
- Soloing bosses? Make sure the Poison hits, and run off to a safe area, the damage will still apply.
ix. NecromancerSpoiler for Hidden:
WIZARD - Level 20
A class which finely balances the offensive capabilities of the Wizard and the survivability and support of the Priest. With the ability to drain the
HP of enemies in an area and replenish the HP of themselves and of allies, Necromancers will not go down easily.
- Range: HIGH
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: MID
- Tips:
- More enemies? More healing! Focus your ability on tougher enemies when damage is needed and on swarms of weaker enemies when healing is!
- Tread lightly when facing few strong enemies, fewer targets mean less HP to heal with.
- In Godlands, one can find high-HP enemies which don't chase you and don't do much damage. Save them as stores of HP when needed.
x. HuntressSpoiler for Hidden:
ARCHER - Level 20 &
ROGUE - Level 20
Though similar to the Archer, the Huntress welcomes both the chase and being chased. It's a Trap! If any enemy is foolish enough to fall into her Traps, they explode, dealing damage and slowing it and other enemies nearby! Then, the Huntress makes short work of them with her arrows.
- Range: HIGH
- Movement: LOW
- Survivability: MID
- Tips:
- Similarly to the Archer, use the Huntress' Traps both for easier targets and when in a pinch!
- Throwing Traps onto enemies turns them into makeshift grenades! Lob 'em for extra damage from behind a wall when you can!
- If you need more damage, use higher tier traps. If you need to focus on slowing enemies down, you might want to use the starting T0 trap instead.
xi. MysticSpoiler for Hidden:
NECROMANCER - Level 20 &
HUNTRESS - Level 20
Cross the Mystic's path and you might get sent to another dimension! With her magical Orb in her possession, she has the ability to remove enemies from their plane of existence, making them invulnerable but stopping them from moving and attacking as well!
- Range: HIGH
- Movement: MID
- Survivability: MID
- Tips:
- Use your ability to apply Stasis on enemies and control which enemies you face! Divide and conquer! Take advantage of the efficiency of the T0 Orb!
- Stronger Orbs apply a Curse on enemies which makes them take more damage! Familiarize yourself with how the Mystic can apply Curse without applying Stasis on enemies in order to maximize damage!
- Aside from the offensive uses of Orbs, the duration of Stasis allows players to pass through hoards of enemies without them even realizing. Be careful to not trap yourself! Always have a way out.
xii. TricksterSpoiler for Hidden:
ASSASSIN - Level 20 &
PALADIN - Level 20
While the Trickster is one of the trickiest to unlock, the playstyle is one of the most unique! With her Prism, she refracts light in order to distract and mesmerize enemies with decoys while teleporting off to safety, or appearing right where you least expect her: behind you!
- Range: MID
- Movement: HIGH
- Survivability: MID
- Tips:
- When your ability is used, you will teleport to where your cursor is and a decoy will be sent out which imitates the walking direction you last took! Learn how to send in decoys to distract and jump in for surprise attacks!
- Save that T0 Prism, as its cheaper cost makes it ideal for teleportation use alone. It's always useful to have someone that doesn't have to walk through the whole dungeon again when you reach a dead end!
- Be careful when playing with allies! Though your decoys are useful for distracting enemies from -you-, they might also send bullets towards your allies! Familiarize yourself with the distance decoys can cover!
xiii. SorcererSpoiler for Hidden:
NECROMANCER - Level 20 &
ASSASSIN - Level 20
Wielding the force of the chain lightning, the Sorcerer is a terror to groups of enemies. Equipped with his Wand and Scepter, the auto-targeting chain lightning ability of the Scepter turns the Sorcerer into a powerful Wizard on auto-pilot capable of blasting creatures, even at great distances.
- Range: HIGH
- Movement: MID
- Survivability: LOW
- Tips:
- While not as powerful as the Wizard in 1-on-1 combat, the Sorcerer makes sure that his chain lightning bolts land and count. While enemies are nearby and you're aiming just a bit, -something- will get zapped!
- Wands have a slightly longer range than even Staves. Sometimes this means that some enemies can't even touch you while you take them out!
- The Sorcerer is an excellent class for getting soulbound (SB) damage in, especially in Godlands! Stay at a safe distance, chain lightning, profit!
xiv. NinjaSpoiler for Hidden:
ROGUE - Level 20 &
WARRIOR - Level 20
One of the most underused and underrated classes, the Ninja will run up to you and before you know it, you're done! With the power of the Shuriken, the Ninja can bolt off before lodging it straight into the skull of a foe. A master of speed and offense, with discipline and training, the Ninja can rain death on enemies.
- Range: LOW
- Movement: HIGH
- Survivability: LOW
- Tips:
- Holding down the ability button will allow the Ninja to increase his speed! Once it is let go, the Shuriken will fly! Being Quieted will prevent the shooting the Shuriken, but you'll still be able to apply Speedy!
- While the Ninja is very powerful, if dodging is not your forte, Ninja might not be the best class for you! Practice dodging and you'll be on your way to an incredible Ninja!
- Make sure to save your T0 Shuriken as it's more MP-efficient for the Speedy effect. Higher Tier Shurikens excel instead in damage.
III. Stats
Stats make the character! And depending on how invested you are in your character, stats make the character that much stronger and its death, that much more painful! Nonetheless, there are 8 main stats that each character in Realm of the Mad God uses. Those stats are:
- Hit Points
- Magic Points
- Attack
- Defense
- Speed
- Dexterity
- Vitality
- Wisdom
Each colour of the stat corresponds (somewhat) to the stat potion used to increase it!
Below is a brief description of how the stat is used in the game, and which stat potion is used to increase it.
For more information about how one can find these potions, make sure to check the
Dungeons section!
For more information about the relative values of the potions below, make sure to check the
Market section!
i. Hit Pointsii. Magic Pointsiii. Attackiv. Defensev. Speedvi. Dexterityvii. Vitalityviii. Wisdom