This time, I'm trying something Entirely different.
There will be 8 gyms to go through.
There will also be an elite 4 and a champion.
I will be the one playing for ''NPC'', as in I will be gym leaders and E4 and champion, ofcourse with plenty of different teams and tactics.
challenger team :
You do not need to register a challenger team.
No type can be seen more than twice in your team. ( ie, you cannot a full water team to deal with the fire gym.
Gyms : Gym are mono, ofcourse. E4 is duo, and champion is a surprise.
Gyms need to be fought in order. first gym will have, and will need to be beaten by a lvl 10 team. gym 2 level 20, etc until gym 8 level 80.
You must use the same team to beat all 4 of elite 4 and the champion. At this point, you must use a level 90 team, and so will the e4. The champion will use a level 100 team. Yes, The champion is supposed to be difficult to beat.
Losing to one of the E4 or to the champion does not require you to start all over, unless you use a different team.
You are allowed to use pokemon with lower level than the limit, but not higher.
We will use OU restrictions of smogon and blahblahblah.
Will also use the usual clauses.
Gym leader (aka me) will decide if target gym is a singles, doubles , or triples fight.
Thoughts/suggestions/interested in trying it out? PM me!