Something that I feel is a staple to almost all game-related forums...
A Pokemon LeagueFirst things first. This is a B/W[2] WiFi Pokemon League. If you wish to battle in Gen IV or
PokemonOnline, please visit the respective links if they exist.
I've been in a couple of different gym systems, primarily those made for larger groups. My idea is basically taking the model of the gyms used in the Pokemon games, and adapting them to our group. This means:
* 8 Gym Leaders
* 4 Elite Four Members
* 1 Champion
* Challengers
Also, note that when battling, everyone participating in a league battle must follow the sleep clause, freeze clause, species clause, and self K.O. clause. All official battles will be single battles.
Gym LeadersThe Gym Leaders can be fought in any order.
As a Gym Leader, you must have a specialized type. This means that each Pokemon on your team must have at least one common type (Everything must have a water type if you are the water gym leader for example). A Pokemon does not have to be pure water type in this example; a dual typed Pokemon is, of course, allowed, such as Water/Grass for a water type team.
Elite Four MembersThe Elite 4 may be challenged in any order. However, there's a catch. If you lose at any time while challenging the Elite 4, you must start over with the first member. So, say for example, I lose at the 3rd Elite Four member; I would then have to defeat both Elite Four members 1 and 2 again, starting the challenge over.
As a member of the Elite 4, you have been chosen to represent the League as a talented battler. Like a gym leader, you must specify in one type of Pokemon. However, unlike a gym leader, you make take in a second type as your main. This means Dual Type teams. And example would be a Rock and Grass type team. Every Pokemon on the team must be either Rock or Grass.
The ChampionThe Champion will be set up to model the game's system as well. If you manage to gather all the gym badges, and then beat the Pokemon League, and then emerge victorious over the current Champion (if there is one when you challenge), you will be crown the Elements League Champion. As the Champion, you may only use the Pokemon that you defeated the Pokemon League Champion with against opposing challengers. If you are the current Champion and you are defeated, you are free to challenge the League again and try to reclaim your spot. Please note that you must work your way up the League ladder instead of merely beating the League. The first Champion will be determined through a tournament of the first Gym Leaders.
As the Champion, you are a unique specimen of battler, one who has conquered the rough terrains of the Pokemon Gyms and the war zone that is the Pokemon League. Only the truly great will be crowned Champion.
ChallengersThe Challenger position is what makes the League. As a Challenger, it's up to you to do your best in your quest of becoming Champion. However, before you do so, there are some rules you must abide by in your challenge:
1. In order to challenge the Elements Pokemon League, you must register a team of 9 Pokemon that you can use throughout your challenge.
2. The use of any Pokemon not included in your original registration team will cause your immediate disqualification.
3. In order to register, you must post your name, and registration team. This will be recorded in the second post. All previous challengers and their information will be kept here.
4. If you wish to change the Pokemon in your registration team, you must re-register and start your challenge over again.
Challengers must follow these 4 rules in order to be eligible to partake in the Elements Pokemon League Challenge.
The CommitteeDue to this community, there will still be Committee, but they will not play an integral role in the system. They will be the judges whenever a challenge to become a League Member is invoked, but even then, they are merely spectators for the most part.
Ideally, this would be a WiFi only League. However, if the need arises, a PokemonOnline based league may be created too.
Also, as this is separate from Elements, there are no real prizes for competing and winning.