*scribbles notes down for Communication thread 2.0*Here's my current view on things - some of this may be redundant, but I'd like to state my thoughts on the matter nevertheless :
OEtG started as an independent project that attempts to take significant core mechanics from EtG in an attempt to create a game with similar gameplay but a different meta due to balance changes, additional cards, and card acquisition (booster packs vs a shop). In this aspect, the game has succeeded, however with the continuing problem that it requires Zanz's permission but Zanz has been oddly silent despite lurking on this forum (check his profile:
here: he's been lurking up to Octoboer 2014, if that's to be believed)
This has caused multiple conflicts to rise up regarding EtG vs. OEtG; its purpose (independent game vs. backup EtG tool), how much it should influence the original forums (we had an admin decision but it's clearly not taken seriously - this thread is a good example of that), and ultimately how it should be developed, assuming it should be.
But let's push all those issues aside for a moment. I think the primary issue here is that this thread demonstrates that not one, but both sides can get emotionally out of hand when debating the topic - conduct in both chat and forums by pro-OEtG and against-OEtG shows that people are willing to both use personal attacks and faulty logic to get their points across. This leads into flaming and or hostilities that just become increasingly difficult to drop, because either a dev on the OEtG side thinks they'll get further by personally attacking someone against OEtG or vice versa.
I think dawn's suggestion has his heart in the right place, but as it currently is it's a bit too forced; OEtG itself is not an inappropriate topic - all the bad attitudes, on the other hand, are. At this point, it's the responsibility of the user to determine how level-headed they should be in regards to this topic - if they continue to start negative discussions that lead into flamewars, then the mods do have a right to step in. On the other hand, if everyone is talking constructively about OEtG, then censorship of that kind isn't necessary.
In regards to the actual issues listed before:
- First and foremost, I think OEtG developers need to follow the one thread restriction as a good show of faith in Higurashi's original descision. Based on what I've been told, Chapuz acted on his own, which seems to have caused this whole mess to begin with. Anything further is technically advertising for another game and toe-ing the line on forum rules.
- In regards to the legal grey on Zanz's word: I think it's safe to assume that Zanz won't be responding on this anytime soon, and I doubt that this or EtG's profitability are the things keeping him away from this game. That means the community has to decide what they want to do with the game; however, there are a lot of contrasting opinions on EtG that show reaching a group decision is far from easy. I personally think the
Staff as a whole (Masters included, possibly) should come together to debate whether we should keep the one-thread rule in effect, or if further action should be taken regarding OEtG's development. (Note: I considered limiting this to Council, but I think it should extend to Staff as a whole to have a wider pool of opinions. This assumes everyone in Staff is willing to be civil if such a thing could be arranged.)
- Re: These three points;
antiaverage should cease hosting etg.dek.im
serprex should cease development of oetg
Fippe should give up codevelopment of oetg
This is ultimately a matter of personal opinion, and to paraphrase what Napalm~ said a long time ago regarding this, there's really no way to please everyone and joining discussions regarding this becomes difficult because people will carry over their previous stance from the last OEtG discussion, usually without change of any sort.
I feel that OEtG would be acceptable as a proxy tool/replacement EtG in preparation for when EtG's servers fully go down. This has been addressed with the development of OEtGv (v for Vanilla), but I'm not fully sure of its status at the moment. Plenty of proxy tools for other card games are used to playtest decks by actual competitive players, so I think this would be an ideal middle ground; it keeps EtG's spirit alive without detracting from the game too much with the idea of an "alternate version" that some view as a ripoff.
As for ceasing development of the 'main' OEtG - that's something I think should be left up to Staff as a whole (again I emphasize the need for a bigger pool of opinions than just Council).
tl;dr Thereisnotealdeergoreadthewholething