Oh yes, even at max speed (which was SIGNIFICANTLY increased) the game could take a huge amount of time, if youre going to play, play in 1-3 hours chunks at most, or you'll get burned out. My current session started on the first, and im only about 5/6ths done with it (Going on a very slow speed is important at high difficulty)
The thing I really like about it, is youre always learning new things, I just found a new interaction after 890 hours of playtime.
Also no one ever told me anything when I first started but here are a few of the first nations I would play as.
The Ottomans: Your soldiers are a god among men. You have great generals, and if you hit above 50 Army Tradition, you get an event that makes you even more unkillable. You have free cores (Read, free land) all around you to just take, and one of the highest incomes in the game, and one of the easiest/best Religions in the game. Its one of the best starting nations, because it gives you insight in the basic things about war, while giving you a big enough edge to remove most factors of luck, and keep constant action going. Once youre big and powerful its easy to mess around with trade.
Pros: Lots of war, lots of money, Lots of unique events
Cons: Limited colonial ambitions, low trade tomfoolery, no game of thrones
France: You are also unkillable, to a lesser extent, and everyone will love you early-mid game (1500~ on) and you can easily be a diplo war machine to rival the ages. Also high income, and huge army. Weak navy compared to england and castile though
Pros: You can hit positive relations with literally every nation at the same time. Unrivaled diplomacy aside from austria. Units are very strong, hard to kill. Unique events. Colonialism is possible.
Cons: Expansion in europe is hard. Very hard. Limited trade. Colonialism is shaky at best.
Austria: The thing that makes attacking in europe hard is because of austria, if austria is you, that problem fades. You can have an amazing degree of diplomacy, and you can pass imperial reforms and restore the holy roman empire
Pros: mostly unique holy roman empire mechanics, lots of diplomacy, lots of war
Cons: limited colonalism and no real navy. Hard to expand
More later