BacktrackI thought I would backtrack and fish in towns/areas I had been in before to try to find my 6th pokemon. Unfortunately that was actually only Petalburg and Route 115. In Petalburg it was Wynaut. I killed it by accident / on purpose. I should probably stop doing that, as it might have been good. I need to remember this is a Randomlocke.
On Route 115...
Annoyingly it only has Ice moves, and i already have an ice pokemon. Could be better.
Off to Slateport. First, Route 109 Fishing:
That'll do, but Metang kinda covers that too. I'll hold off leveling him till I pop my head into the next area.
So this happened. The text of the Move Tutor said it was Mega Kick...
And then, fishing in Slateport..
Interestingly RNG chose to give it an ability it can already have. Could be cool having access to serene grace moves that wouldn't usually apply. Like its current Sludge Bomb.
Route 110... FINALLY! a pokemon who fits into my team!
Cool. Time to do a bit of grinding before continuing, I don't want to be blindsided again. I think lvl 22 is a good aim for now.
once that was achieved...
A Wild May appeared!
Not a good start, i'll need to switch. Lanturn made short work of it. the expected Lombre was next, i switched back Ariados and OHKOed with silver wind. After that:
OH NO!... but wait... all is not lost. How did Machop die? HYPER BEAM. 150 Attack Power, and Machop was clearly level below 25. The first, and probably last lucky recipient of my Epic Death clause.
Still was pretty scary before I remembered that. Metang polished off the recharging Tauros.
Killed Route 118's Psyduck. Keep forgetting I'm supposed to not kill things sometimes.
Wally, don't be as painful as May's Tauros... everyone is over level 25 now...
Ok, that was anticlimactic. He had one pokemon, a level 16 sunkerrn. And I started with Snorunt, so that was fine.
Before taking down the gym, I'll zip into routes 117 and 111 to train on trainers and try to not kill Nuzlockers.
Route 117 yielded one of my favourite pokemon, despite it actually being fairly bad...
Then, on route 111 these guys:
left machop (why is it always machop?) looking like this:
Still it survived. Route 111 south's Nuzlocker is...
Now THAT is a nice replacement for lanturn, should I ever need one. My backup squad is taking shape, time to go for Gym #3....