After backtracking for a while, I finally figured out where I needed to go. I just had to visit my old pal Birch, then things sped up significantly. Just in 2 minutes, I received a new Pokédex, 5 Pokéballs (Finally!) and new running shoes.

Pokédex | 
5 Pokéballs | 
Running Shoes |
After I received my Pokéballs, I already knew where I needed to go to catch my first Pokémon. Route 202 opened up and after circling in the tall grass for a bit, I found my second potential teammate.
This Lotad was very low level, so Tackle was a no-go. It was kinda obvious that Lotad is water type, so I felt safe to hit her with a few Mud-Slaps. After some Growls and Mud-Slaps, I was ready to throw my first pokéball.
"Lotad was caught!
Do you want to give Lotad a nickname?" Sure I do. Let's call her LIPLOP. It sounds like a cheerful name for this little fella. I'm not really sure how I feel about you yet, LIPLOP, because I already have a water type pokémon in my team, but seeing that you are a dual grass type, I think that you might be more useful than MYRIONITE in specific battles.
After farting around for a bit in the new town after Route 202 (which I forgot the name of), I finally found the gym where our dad is the gym leader. I expected a battle here, but he says that we are scrubs and not worthy to challenge him before we get at least 4 gym badges. Thanks a lot, dad. Great parenting. ^^"
But wait, who's this new scrub? He doesn't even have any pokémons yet!
A boy called Wally comes to the gym leader and asks for a pokémon. But instead of giving him a new pokémon for real, dad lent Wally a Lv.7 Zigzagoon to help him catch another one. A level 7 Zigzagoon from a gym leader. Who's the scrub now, dad? I have higher level pokémons than you.
"Reynold, go with Wally and show him how to catch Pokémon."

So we had to go with Wally to catch a Lv.5 Ralts for him, but because I didn't need to do anything at all, I have a slight suspicion that it was actually the game making you learn how to use pokéballs. I already caught LIPLOP, so this part was a waste of time for me. After all of this was done, Wally gave dad back his Zigzagoon and expressed his thanks. He then ran away to do stuff with his new Ralts.
I already know that it was not the last time we saw him...
pilfering exploring this town, we were told to head to Rustboro, where the gym leader is called Roxanne. Between this town and Rustboro, two new areas followed each other, which meant two new pokémon! I was excited to see what pokémon I get.

Long story short, here is what I came across:
I was happy for Poochyena, because a Normal type pokémon is a blessing in a Nuzlocke if you lack the correct type advantages with everything else. However, I wass less happy when I had to give a nickname to said Poochyena, because I had no idea what name should I give to a female hyena that is suitable and starts with a P. In the end, I gave her the name
PANDORA, because reasons.
(reasons that were heavily affected by greek culture and Harry Potter 3)Shroomish is our typical Grass-Poison dual type that we have in every game. In Diamond, we had Roselia, and in the first gen, we had Bellsprout. Just as with LIPLOP, he already covers a type that I already have, but the poison type is something new that can come handy later. I had less problems with giving a nickname this time. From now on, Shroomish shall be called
In Petalburg Woods, where I caught SPORE, I found a guy who was looking for the pokémon Shroomish. I expected him to be one of those trainers who give you stuff if you show them the correct pokémon, so I got excited for a minute there.
"Not so fast! Team Aqua here, you're under attack."
A Team Aqua grunt ambushed the guy (who was apparently a scientist) and demanded some research papers. So instead of Team Rocket and Team Galactic, we have Team Aqua now, huh. I easily beat the guy's level 9 Poochyena. He then grumbles for a while, tells us where Team Aqua is going to show up next time and runs away. The scientist then concludes:
"Whew, that was awfully close."
Except that it wasn't. I had it under control. But at least he gave me a Great Ball as a sign of his gratitude. And I didn't even need to show him my Shroomish. ^^"
Spoiler for Reynold then levelled his new team up for a bit:
Before I got to Rustboro city, it was time for another training montage!
I didn't have to wait much until SPORE learned Stun Spore. Every time he uses that move, I giggle a bit. x) It's like naming your pokémon "Oh, he" to see the game say "Oh, he levelled up!" or "Oh, he learned a new move!".
A little bit later, when I got challenged by Bug Catcher James, I sent out LIPLOP against a Nincada. My lack of knowledge was shining here, but I assumed from its looks that Nincada is a Bug type pokémon. However, when Water Gun turned out to be super effective against him, I became curious what type Nincada is. Maybe Nincada is a rock type pokémon? Feel free to answer this in the comments. I'm very curious.
After a healthy grinding, I finally arrived in Rustboro city. I quickly receive the Hidden Move "Cut" and learn that Roxanne, the Rustboro gym leader is a master of Rock type pokémon. Maybe I'll learn here more about Nincada.
One thing is for sure, the tutors of this gym are very hip:
End of Day party stats:
 | Lv.14 MYRIONITE, the Mudkip (♂)
Tackle | Growl | Mud-Slap | Water Gun |
|  | Lv.10 LIPLOP, the Lotad (♀)
 | Lv.8 PANDORA, the Poochyena (♀)
Tackle | Howl | | |
|  | Lv.10 SPORE, the Shroomish (♂)
Absorb | Tackle | Stun Spore | Leech Seed |
 |  |