lil bit o' necro
Am new. Only about 15 hours in. So i got all my heroes to lvl 10, and now im working on some to get them to lvl 20. My question is, what "special" packs are the ones for me? I like Shaman, Mage, and Hunter. What packs are geared to those heroes? or are they all kinda balanced? i assume there is a sort of theme to them.
Well, if you play Wild like me then you don't have to worry about Standard restrictions which means all packs are gucci. That said, each expansion has helped out certain classes more than others.
Mage enjoyed Un'Goro and Kobolds and Catacombs if yer only looking for recent expacs, but Mage also needs plenty of classic cards (which is where you'll have a shot to pull the likes of Antonidas and Ragnaros as well). For older expacs, Mage got a lot from Karazhan and Blackrock.
Shaman enjoyed Witchwood, Knights of the Frozen Throne, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, Whispers of the Old Gods and League of Explorers. It also got some good support cards in KnC.
Hunter enjoyed Witchwood, Un'Goro, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan and also needs classic cards.
In addition to all of these specific expacs, every single class except Shaman and Warrior wants a Deathknight from Knights of the Frozen Throne. Apart from the DK's it was probably Druid that enjoyed KotFT the most.