Got this one dueling my friend for 80 gold. Rogue with three secrets. I ended up with SIX secrets over the course of that game. (1 sacred trial, eaten, 2 redemptions, 2 noble sacrifices, and a competitive spirit; one of each of the last 3 is in play in the picture) The first one got destroyed by Eater of Secrets, too :p I was laughing pretty hard that he 'wasted' it so early :p I also had I think seven coins in the game, thanks to several cutpurse swings, two tomb pillagers, and an unearthed raptor on a pillager, and the player 2 coin.
Lucky 15s?
I dunno, I just thought it was funny that everybody was rank 15. In a way, it's not quite as coincidental; many of the people in my friends list were met on the ladder, and so we were the same rank at at least one point in time.
How to demonlock
Demons! I also like how prince malchezaar is a demon, and with the hero power, actually fits reasonably well. Warlocks can tap a lot more when he's in the deck without worrying about fatigue. Sure, he's a pretty bad card most of the time, but man is he fun, especially in warlock with demon synergy.
Bolf Ramshield actually accomplishes what he's designed to do!
When bolf was first spoiled, I thought he was an interesting card. Then I realized that all you have to do is go face and kill him without even taking any damage. This is literally the ONLY board I have EVER seen bolf do anything other than just delay the inevitable. Not that I play with Bolf (heck, I don't even own him; I got him here from Prince M) but I've had games where someone unstable portaled him or got him from sneed or whatever.
We have many secrets...
Secret hunter is really fun! Actually, I've had a lot of fun making unique hunter decks; anything other than the boring facehunter/so-called midrange-hunter-that-is-still-facehunter-justslower is quite fun to play with. It's actually a pretty good deck, too; I have no idea why nobody is using cloaked huntress. I saw a few people using it right after release, but nothing since.
We *had* many secrets...
Biggest eaglehorn bow I've ever had.
Shouldn't he be called C'thun?
It looks like this guy was just as excited as I was to learn that WoG would be Cthulhu mythos themed.
How to Astral Commune
Is this or is this not the best turn 4 board you have ever seen?
Find the on board lethal...
Yeah... it's not that hard to find :p Faceless manipulators and blood of the ancient one in my astral communion deck make the 30/30 guy actually happen like 1% of the time.
Where's your face again?
This guy was botting, and it seems to have gotten a little confused...
Fishing for suckers...
He attacked in the wrong order and it cost him the game :p Truly unforgivable at that rank to make such an amateur mistake.
I wish I could remember the story behind this screenshot
I really do. I think I probably facelessed the 12/12 normal treant (I have 2 golden facelesses) but I'm not sure how this all happened. Chromaggus must've drawn two BotAO, and it looks like I got nefarian from barnes and nightmared it via ysera (the lightning bolt on nef) but I really have no idea how those treants came to be.
Shifter Zerus is a troll
I like taking Zerus with Dark Peddler when I can, just because it has the potential to be hilarious. Notice what he is now, and then notice what my mana is.
Always kill the micro machine early...
Or you could be like this guy, wishing you had.
How to Reno
A light in the darkness got me this little gem in my reno paladin...
How to OTK, priest style
Thoughtstole a torch, had prophet velen out. Played faceless manipulator and roaring torch for 6x2x2=24. You can't see my life total, but if memory serves, it's about 3, and I topdecked either the torch or the faceless.