I just had the most amazing hearthstone arena loss ever. I'm notorious for having bad RNG; this wasn't RNG (other than the cards being in the opponent's hand/deck), but holy cow...
Turn 1: I pass. Opponent passes
Turn 2: Make a dagger. (I'm a rogue, he's a druid) Opponent plays stonetusk boar, charges with the 1/1, plays two innervates, and druid of the fang for 7/7.
Turn 3: (not looking good, but not unwinnable yet) Play spider tank. (3/4) Opponent plays bloodfen raptor (3/2), druid of the fang kills spider tank.
Turn 4: Play 2/1 buccaneer, make new dagger, hero kills raptor. Opponent goes face for 7, plays coin and druid of the fang #2. (uh oh...)
Turn 5: Play armored warhorse, hope for charge; nope. (didn't have a better play, sadly) Buccaneer and hero kill the damaged druid of the fang. (7 more to face) Opponent goes to the face for 7 (I'm down to 4), and plays a third druid of the fang for 7/7.
Turn 6: Play burgle. Hope to hell I get two naturalizes. I get anodized robocub to block one, but it's not enough.