Time for a gym battle!
We payed a visit to Gardenia, the second gym leader. My team was ready, so I didn't waste
too much time.
[1] ZERIA alone quickly disposed of the minor trainers inside the gym, then we could get to the point.
Second Gym Battle: Leader Gardenia!

This is not how I remembered this gym. My only memory was that Gardenia's boss monster is a Roserade, which I expected to use some Grass move, Sludge Bomb, and Stun Spore. I was mostly afraid of Stun Spore, so I spread a few anti-paralysis berries on my team. First matchup:
Lv.20 ZERIA vs Lv.20 TURTWIG. I forgot about Turtwig, but I thought ZERIA should be able to handle it. Her Turtwig set up Reflect and Sunny Day after surviving my first Wing Attack though, so I kept switching back and forth between ZERIA and THORNANG until both wore off. Reflect was annoying, because it halved the damage of my Wing Attack, while Sunny Day was annoying, becuase it allowed a 75% heal from Synthesis and 1-turn Solar Beams. When Sunny Day wore off and there was only one turn of Reflect left, I finally dealt the finishing blow with ZERIA.
Second matchup:
Lv.20 ZERIA vs I forgot. I think it was Cherubi, but I'm not sure. Watch the video for details. ^^" It was not very important, because ZERIA took care of it in 1 or 2 turns.
Then it was time for
Lv.20 ZERIA vs Lv.22 ROSERADE. Roserade almost made ZERIA switch with its level advantage and high Sp.Attack stat, but ZERIA barely reached the kill before we needed to switch to another Pokémon. GG, Gardy!
"But wait! Why did you have only five Pokémon in your party?" [1]Well, before entering Gardenia's gym for the first time, I thought I would get a few levels first. I wanted to give 1-2 levels to MARK and BREIDLE, just to be safe, but a wild Beautifly ended up killing MARK with Gust, which I didn't see coming. That was really devastating, so I decided to stop training in the wild and instantly challenge Gardenia, just to feel better a bit.
On the upcoming route, I had the pleasure to meet MYSTRO, the Meditite. So far, his moveset is not great, but his ability is Pure Power, (which raises the power of physical attacks,) so I can see him becoming useful later. But just one encounter later, I found another Machop! I would have rather re-caught a Machop than getting a Meditite. #_# Meditite is alright, but so far, MARK has put in a lot of work, and later I could have traded him for a Kadabra. With this though, I might have to give up all hopes to ever catch an Abra or Kadabra in this playthrough. It would be my first Diamond/Platinum Nuzlocke where I don't have the traded Abra.

As I marched forward to figure out where I need to go, I got a hint from Looker that I should infiltrate the local Team Galactic base. Looker keeps surprising me, he was now disguised as a Grunt. I fought my way through to the top floor, where I quickly realized that this is the point where I fight Galactic Commander Jupiter. She is brutally tough, so I turned back and started thinking of a game plan.
I started a long training montage, where my dudes levelled up and did some learning and evolving. ZERIA finally evolved into Golbat, which I'm pretty happy for.

I trained up most of my 'mons to an average of Level 19, without ever thinking about what Jupiter's levels might be. I knew that her boss monster is Skuntank, which I assumed to have Poison Jab and Fire Blast. I also didn't have anyone who could do well in a 1v1 against a Skuntank. Skuntank had only one weakness: Ground. SHINRA was the only one capable of learning Ground-type moves, so I chose him as my secret weapon. I trained him up to level 19 and taught him Mud Bomb.
- During training, SHINRA learned Hidden Power. The riddle is to figure out what type of Hidden Power it was.
First, it was effective (neutral) against Meditite (Fighting+Psychic), but then it was super effective against Machop (Fighting).
This was enough for me to figure it out. Before you see the solution, try to solve the riddle on your own first.
. - During the same training, MYSTRO learned Hidden Power too. Once again, let's figure out what type it was.
It was effective against Normal, Fighting, Fighting+Psychic, Water, Bug and Grass+Poison, but it was finally not very effective against Steel+Psychic.
I could reduce the possibilities to two types.
After the training montage, I decided to take on Jupiter in the Eterna building of Team Galactic.~
Boss Battle: Galactic Commander Jupiter!

Note to myself: She has only two Pokémon. First matchup:
Lv.22 ZERIA vs Lv.21 ZUBAT. And her first pick is a Zubat that has a lower level than my evolved Zubat. I started thinking that I might have overlevelled my team, but better be cautious than not. We both used Wing Attack, except mine was stronger. Jupiter then came out to say a few words.
"How insolent. Take a BITE of this, child!"
So she said that, I decided to finish off her Zubat with Bite. Then we got to the real deal that we were waiting for:
Lv.22 ZERIA vs Lv.23 SKUNTANK. I started hitting Skuntank with Wing Attack. However, Skuntank moved first, and got a good hit on ZERIA with Night Slash. Wing Attack took a bit more than fourth of Skuntank's HP, while ZERIA got dangerously close to KO range. I made a big mistake during team planning by letting ZERIA be my lead, because it allowed her weaker Pokémon to wear us down. If it wasn't a critical hit, ZERIA would have lived another Night Slash, but at that point in the battle, I didn't want to take any risks. To make things worse, ZERIA was my strongest, so I had to switch into a weaker Pokémon.

I should have stayed in for one more turn, because Skuntank's next set of strategies was to spam Smoke Screen for 2 turns, to which I responded with switching back and forth between THORNANG and SHINRA. THORNANG tanked a Night Slash and avoided a Poison Gas, so we landed a free Tackle. It barely did any damage. Things were not looking good, but THORNANG could tank one more Night Slash and we needed damage on Skuntank, so we stayed in for one more Tackle. After that, we couldn't take another hit, so it was time to switch out to our secret weapon!
"You're in charge, SHINRA!"
My plan was to survive a hit and get in a Mud Bomb. I could have lived without the following Night Slash, which was a critical hit though. >_>

It was an instant kill from full health. Well, shit! There goes my secret weapon! With ZERIA and THORNANG close to death, my options were limited. My best play to make here was to switch in SONIC for free. Skuntank was still faster than me and landed a SmokeScreen on SONIC. SONIC went for quick damage with Spark, which very very luckily paralyzed Skuntank, which was really good, because Skuntank was faster than my entire team.
But then we faced a medium setback.
The problem is that every setback can be huge against Skuntank, even if it's minor. Skuntank reached low enough HP to get some health back from its Sitrus Berry. A minor setback would have been if it had an Oran Berry (heals 15 less HP). A huge setback would have been if it had an anti-paralysis berry. It was rough to even deal considerable damage to Skuntank, so at the time, it looked logical to lower Skuntank's Defense with Leer instead of going for quick damage. Leer worked, but then SONIC got poisoned. It was an appropriate time for another Spark, but the SmokeScreen from earlier made us miss and waste our turn. Skuntank couldn't move either because of paralysis, so we only took the poison damage this turn. I could have went for another Spark, but the accuracy drop from SmokeScreen was obnoxious, so I decided to switch out to BREIDLE. On switch-in, BREIDLE barely lived a Night Slash with 6 HP, but at that point, I ran out of safe switch-ins. BREIDLE was the most expendable member of the team, and I didn't want him to go out without putting his high Attack stat to work, (plus there was always the chance that Skuntank gets paralyzed,) so I went for a Cut, which I recently taught him. BUT THEN CUT MISSED! Why doesn't Cut have maximum accuracy?! D: It's needless to say that BREIDLE couldn't survive that turn.

I had to make every turn count, so I switched in SONIC again, who no longer had reduced accuracy but was still poisoned. The Leer from earlier proved to be useful, because Spark did a reasonable amount of damage, while luckily Skuntank got paralyized. Poison chipped away again, then it was next turn. I had enough health to live another Night Slash and poison, so it made sense to spam Spark until someone dies. The next Spark, however, was strong enough to finally KO Jupiter's Skuntank. SONIC was the true MVP of this battle, and it looks like Electric-type Pokémon really carry me through the tough times in Nuzlockes. ^^"
After the battle with Jupiter, I counted our losses. I lost team members that I had high hopes for. I really wanted to train SHINRA to be a bulky Gastrodon with Recover and Toxic, and I wanted to see BREIDLE in his fully glory, putting his high Attack stat to work in the future. (SHINRA also knew Hidden Power Psychic, which I really wanted to add to the End of Day party stats once.) I also lost MARK, who could have been either a fantastic wallbreaker or a good trade-in for a super powerful Kadabra. But all that is gone now.

Spoiler for Here I pay my tribute to the fallen:
MARK, the Machop: Lv.6-Lv.18, from Route 207. Died by a wild Lv.15 Beautifly. Super effective Gust was unexpected, because I didn't think it would learn Gust this early. Your name is what I always give to male Machops.
SHINRA, the Shellos: Lv.9-Lv.19, from Route 205. Died by Galactic Commander Jupiter's Lv.23 Skuntank. On switch-in, Night Slash was a critical hit. SHINRA was 4 levels lower, so it was a 1-hit KO.
BREIDLE, the Buneary: Lv.11-Lv.18, from Eterna Forest. Died by Galactic Commander Jupiter's Lv.23 Skuntank. There were no safe switch-ins, so BREIDLE had to hope for Skuntank being paralyzed. BREIDLE missed, then Skuntank dealt the finishing blow.

"But at least, I still had my strongest lineup of Pokémon, so not everything was lost. Before the day could end though, Cynthia intercepted me for a small chat. Again, out of nowhere. Her proposal was to give REYNOLD a mysterious egg.
"Wait, I don't remember that this is supposed to happen here. Are you giving me a Garchomp egg?
"Oh... Then it's probably just a Happiny. I get it." After she gave me an egg, I wrapped up a few things here and there, and now I have a bicycle.

In the next episode, we go rolling down the cycling road!
Attention!Spoiler for Hidden:
Here I wanted to put the End of Day party stats, but I cannot open my save file.

How should I proceed now?