ok, the rules are simple:
2 players choose any 6 pokemon they want in their party.
trainers must also specify the gender, the ability, and the 4 moves each pokemon will have in their move slots.
NO LEGENDARIEZ!!! pseudo legendaries like lucario and zoroark are fine.
give your list to the user who has agreed to judge your match.
DO NOT POST YOUR TEAM ON THIS TOPIC! you dont want your opponent to know your team.
when both trainers have submitted their team, they send a message choosing the first pokemon to send out and provide a
link to a page with ALL the details on the pokemon chosen.
the judge posts the first match up and both trainers will then begin the battle.
both trainers may give 1 command to their pokemon at a time.
the judge will use the following link to calculate the damage each pokemon recieves:
http://www.serebii.net/games/damage.shtml(the judge should read the whole page before calculating anything. for the random number between 85-100, use a RNG.)
EVs DO NOT COUNT. IVs DO NOT COUNT. its all according to max stats.
that is all, have at it