Introducing a new Minecraft game.
Find the Tower!I secluded a huge, rectangular area on our Minecraft server. Within, I have hidden many fake Golden Towers. The real Golden Tower will be
1 Obsidian block with 4 Gold blocks on top. The goal of the game is to find the real Golden Tower and bring it outside the playing area.

The game requires 2-4 players other than the person who hides the real tower. The game has the following rules:
- Players must choose one of the four entrance points to the secluded area (called as the Arena). The entrance points have a bed and Loot Chests for each player.
- Players must set their spawns at their entrance points by sleeping in the nearby bed.
- Players are not allowed to destroy anything outside the Arena (beds, Loot Chests, Arena walls).
- Players can only enter the Arena with the starting items determined by the host. The starting items are put in Loot Chests by the host.
- Once inside, players who leave the Arena are disqualified. If someone dies within the Arena and respawns in their starting bed, they can enter the Arena again without disqualification.
- Inside the Arena, players are allowed to modify the environment as they wish (mining, crafting, explosions, setting fires, etc). Killing other players is allowed.
- A player must bring out all golden pieces of the Golden Tower (the Obsidian can be left behind) to their own entrance points and erect it on their own Obsidian blocks.
The Golden Tower is placed by the host before the game starts. The host places the tower in a spot that is not completely submerged and is not deep within caves. The tower might be in a cave entrance but will not require the players to reach junctions in a cave to find it.

Keep an eye out on good hiding spots for Golden Towers, because a player might earn the right to hide the next tower for the next game!

For all players, have fun and happy hunting!