Was talking to ian about my current ladder deck. Fills a nice niche where it has enough rush and snowball to beat a lot of the current controls, but also beats many of the rushier decks on the meta too.
Small creatures and multi-summon creatures synergise great with Pit Lion and Divine Fervor.
Wardcrafter, Mentor's Ring and especially Royal Mage synergise brilliantly with small creatures and Daggerfall mages. If you have a reasonable field and throw a mentors ring on a warded creature, it can destroy the game in your favour.
The rest of the deck is built around value and burst.
The lone ice spike and dres renegade might seem weird, but too many ice spikes in hand can force you to spend early mana on draw and face damage instead of board presence which is vital, but having one can lend a little late game burst or be used for free damage if you have a spare 2 magica lying about. The Dres renegade isn't the best value but it's still a decent body, and is a nice tech against shackle heavy decks.
The lone Heirloom Greatsword is great burst, but as it returns to your hand after death anyway and is quite expensive, more than one is useless in your hand.
Supreme Atromancer is the best 9 drop ever, and synergises brilliantly with small creatures too.
Oh, and the mana curve is pretty and feels like it.