[21:11:31] zanzarino: Hi everyone
[21:11:42] bogtro: ZANZZ
[21:11:43] willng3: Hi.
[21:11:47] Shrink: Hey zanz
[21:11:47] BunKeR: hello all mighty zanz
[21:11:48] bogtro: hey zanz

[21:11:51] BunKeR: /bows
[21:11:59] Higurashi: Morning.
[21:12:01] inthisroom: hi
[21:12:08] bogtro: zanz, are you going to join war? xD
[21:12:11] ddevans96: hey Zanz
[21:12:17] zanzarino: I guess that beta has been tested long enough[21:12:20] bripod: Hi Higs
[21:12:29] bogtro: oh no
[21:12:32] bripod: Hi Zanz!
[21:12:33] BunKeR: O_O
[21:12:38] Dm1321: Zanz, mighty zanz
[21:12:43] Onizuka: nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[21:12:50] BunKeR: =[ goo dbye nova rush
[21:12:54] Shrink: ‹@zanzarino› Yeah you can just release it already

[21:13:00] plastiqe: hi zanz
[21:13:03] plastiqe: patch time!
[21:13:06] BunKeR: hello shad golem awesomeness
[21:13:07] bogtro: nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[21:13:14] Mithcairion: Wow, today really is a good day
[21:13:27] BunKeR: *shard
[21:13:27] zanzarino: Lol let me prepare the kong version as well and I'll release 1.3[21:13:29] bogtro: please don't tell me new shards are coming :3
[21:13:35] bogtro: D:
[21:13:38] zanzarino: Cards will be available tomorrow[21:13:41] pikachufan2164: And now the Shard collection journey continues yet again
[21:13:46] willng3: Every day with me is a good day

[21:13:58] Azuria: Every day the same dream.
[21:14:02] Azuria: Allo, Zanz
[21:14:47] Silinda: ‹@zanzarino› how do you know 1.3 will be released tomorrow zanzarino?
[21:14:50] bogtro: Now you're gonna make bronze rewards go to 1 again xD
[21:14:58] Onizuka: Don't do eet D:
[21:15:00] bogtro: ‹@Silinda› not sure if trolling
[21:15:01] Shrink: lulz
[21:15:10] BunKeR: ‹@bogtro› LOL
[21:15:16] Onizuka: My complete collection shall be ruined D:
[21:15:17] Shrink: Yeah zanz how will you know?!
[21:15:26] Mithcairion: *goes with will*
[21:15:34] zanzarino: lol
[21:15:35] Mithcairion: Now all my days will be good, too
[21:16:11] zanzarino: 1.3 will actually come in about 5 mins
[21:16:23] Shrink: Also, almost done with fishy

[21:16:25] bogtro: D:
[21:16:26] Azuria: *flying side-kicks Willu*
[21:16:27] BunKeR: OH YEAH
[21:16:36] Silinda: and the server will be reset with the new shards and lower farming requirements?
[21:16:42] willng3: *Blocks kick and snuggles Az*
[21:16:48] Silinda: er, in 5 minutes?
[21:17:01] Azuria: *screams*
[21:17:12] inthisroom: does that mean that in 5 minutes, there will be singularities?
[21:17:16] BunKeR: man , bronze league is about to get flooded .
[21:17:19] willng3: SPIDER? Where??
[21:17:23] zanzarino: New shards and new cards will be available soon
[21:17:35] Silinda: lol, I was gonna hit plat with a purity deck myself.
[21:17:40] Azuria: *points at your face*
[21:17:44] Silinda: ‹@zanzarino› Thank you!!!!
[21:17:57] Onizuka: Here comes the age of not getting close to the rare you want in special spins!
[21:17:59] Onizuka: Hooray!
[21:18:24] zanzarino: Yes, if you have an account with a deck in bronze league it would be a good time to make some money
[21:18:41] bogtro: or get a large amount of losses

[21:18:51] Onizuka: More like get destroyed by upped farming.
[21:19:05] BunKeR: ‹@Onizuka› yup lol
[21:19:10] Mithcairion: ‹@Onizuka› +1
[21:19:12] zanzarino: done[21:19:18] pikachufan2164: Suddenly, negative rewards in Bronze League.
[21:19:26] BunKeR: ‹@zanzarino› w00t
[21:19:28] pikachufan2164: o:
[21:19:29] Kamietsu: Yay, I didn't miss zanz/the update

[21:19:38] bogtro: D: