Zanz is working on turning the shards into a full series! o:
TL;DR version:
New shard on the In Development page ( Shard of Sacrifice (

SoS will turn healing into damage and damage into healing for 5 turns(SoS is only usable on yourself)Miracle will set your HP to 1 under the effects of SoS
Existing shards will be moved to different elements: SoG to

, SoD to

, and SoR to :timeThere will be one shard for each elementAll 12 shards will be rare and only available through donations and the ArenaAll 12 shards will be usable unupped, but the upped versions will be easier/better to useEach shard will likely favour one particular element using it (SoS drains all but

quanta, SoR will give a further buff to

creatures, etc.)Shards will stack like Pillars, but there will be no way to clear multiple shards in a stack at once (for now)

shard will inflict burns on your opponent (similar to a Poison effect) -- Purify will remove burns:water shard will freeze a targeted permanent (effectively turning it off) for three turns:aether shard will do 5 spell damage each turnThe new shards will be released in two instalments of 6 shards each over the next two major version updates[/list]
[09:59:06 PM] DesertKnight: zanz is certinatly showing his favoritism with

with this card...
[09:59:30 PM] Higurashi: Myeah. Death already has the most cards out of any element.
[09:59:48 PM] DesertKnight: because of the white text, I see it's an unupped card
[10:00:15 PM] Higurashi: It's one of the first of the elemental shards.[10:00:25 PM] Higurashi: More will come :>
[10:00:37 PM] DesertKnight: oh he's making one for each element?
[10:00:48 PM] Higurashi: It will be weird to see amazing death rushes heal better than Light stalls though.
[10:01:01 PM] Higurashi: If I get to test this :>
[10:01:28 PM] DesertKnight: We'll see, so far it's been a steady "hurt" / "balance" twoards rush decks.
[10:01:43 PM] DesertKnight: This is going to give
a certain stall quality to it[10:01:49 PM] Jen-i: a wild zanz appears
[10:01:52 PM] zanzarino: Howdy
[10:02:05 PM] DesertKnight: I don't know if zanz is..
[10:02:09 PM] DesertKnight: *zips lips*
[10:02:18 PM] DesertKnight: DOn't scare me like that zanz!!!
[10:02:23 PM] zanzarino: Yes- I am planning to create a shard for each element[10:02:25 PM] Hyroen: zanz <3
[10:02:30 PM] Hyroen:

[10:02:31 PM] majofa: hey zanz
[10:02:45 PM] DesertKnight: are they "unupped?" as the white text suggests?
[10:02:56 PM] zanzarino: And they will be "usable" unupped[10:03:11 PM] Malebolgia1113: what

[10:03:13 PM] DesertKnight: an even greater effect when they are upped?
[10:03:13 PM] ~Napalm: Ah, so then the 3 current shards will not be assigned an element then.
[10:03:30 PM] zanzarino: And they will stack like pillars[10:03:38 PM] Hyroen: ooh
[10:03:41 PM] Malebolgia1113: what cards?
[10:03:44 PM] Malebolgia1113: >.>
[10:03:53 PM] pikachufan2164: o:
[10:03:54 PM] zanzarino: All neutral but each one will be much better if used with a particular element[10:04:03 PM] DesertKnight: Seems like everyone is going to have a shard on their deck from now on though.
[10:04:19 PM] pikachufan2164: Ooh, very interesting.
[10:04:21 PM] DesertKnight: are these shards rare? or bazaar buyable?
[10:04:34 PM] Malebolgia1113: DK what are you talking about?
[10:04:35 PM] pikachufan2164: How will they be distributed?
[10:04:39 PM] ~Napalm: All Rare I would assume.
[10:04:41 PM] Hyroen: any teasers zanz?
[10:04:46 PM] zanzarino: And - not written in Shard of Sacrifice - healing will hurt you instead[10:04:57 PM] majofa: hey zanz is there a way to shut off death effects to bone wall, but not to any other card?
[10:05:02 PM] DesertKnight: @malebolgia1113:[10:05:03 PM] pikachufan2164: So a twisted Antimatter?[10:05:10 PM] zanzarino: All rare they will slowly appear via donation and arena[10:05:11 PM] Malebolgia1113: Oh zanz is here...
[10:05:16 PM] Higurashi: Pulvy, Lava Golem and Quints are also used in CCYB.
[10:05:30 PM] majofa: << so don't just throw it in a sanct stall >> or you will die![10:05:32 PM] DesertKnight: o.O so this is something you can only get form the arena? nice...
[10:05:36 PM] zanzarino: Yes, actually antimatter is a counter to that card[10:05:44 PM] zanzarino: (use it on your first creature)
[10:05:47 PM] DesertKnight: Excuse me Lady Phoenix?
[10:05:53 PM] majofa: haha i antimatter my creature.... you die :p
[10:06:18 PM] Malebolgia1113: vampire would hurt as well?
[10:06:20 PM] Higurashi: I'm glad it's not a big buff for AM. It's powerful enough. :glare:
[10:06:23 PM] DesertKnight: that would make that death/entropy combo even more ... annoying...
[10:06:26 PM] zanzarino: yep sanc would kill you instantly[10:06:31 PM] ~Napalm: Oh snap. LS + AM + SoS[10:06:31 PM] Higurashi: I'll just asplode it.
[10:06:39 PM] ~Napalm: *bwain asplodes*[10:06:50 PM] pikachufan2164: How will it interact with Miracle? At the moment, Miracle just sets HP to max-1[10:07:02 PM] zanzarino: Miracle would set your Hp to 1[10:07:05 PM] zanzarino: (again)
[10:07:07 PM] ~Napalm: My creature hurts both people now! Hurray!
[10:07:47 PM] JePa: Thats a sick combo
[10:07:49 PM] ~Napalm: Or no... If I'm playing all 3...
[10:07:51 PM] JePa: miracle reverse

[10:07:53 PM] ~Napalm: I heal both of us?
[10:07:56 PM] Higurashi: Well, this certainly makes more elements more reliant on PC, which is rare.
[10:08:00 PM] ~Napalm: Bahaha
[10:08:21 PM] zanzarino: Actually you can use SoS only on yourself[10:08:23 PM] suxerz: [13:03:30] zanzarino: And they will stack like pillars <-- what do you mean by that, zanz?
[10:08:30 PM] DesertKnight: but what about stealing it?
[10:08:58 PM] zanzarino: If you play 5 SoG they stack in a single slot[10:09:11 PM] majofa: we are the other one's going to be revealed?
[10:09:16 PM] zanzarino: You steal the first one, just like pillars[10:09:19 PM] suxerz: ah, thnx
[10:09:20 PM] pikachufan2164: Shards will stack in a later update? o:
[10:09:28 PM] pikachufan2164: O_o
[10:09:43 PM] majofa: can you EQ them? lol
[10:09:43 PM] DesertKnight: and! *waves hello to all friends* ^_^
[10:09:45 PM] Malebolgia1113: Ah so they can be EQable?[10:09:59 PM] pikachufan2164: So will there be a card that clears shard stacks a la Earthquake?
[10:09:59 PM] DesertKnight: @majofa : it's a shard

not a glass window.
[10:10:00 PM] zanzarino: nope[10:10:37 PM] majofa: just buff trident by allowing it to do so[10:10:58 PM] DesertKnight: about how many of the shards (per element) do you have done so far? just SoS? (1/2?) ...[10:11:03 PM] Revoltion: [01:10:37] majofa: just buff trident by allowing it to do so <---This
[10:11:11 PM] Malebolgia1113: Just a few recent questions, but will gravity get a DR shield and water
[10:11:13 PM] suxerz: mindgate decks in arena will be having fun using 20+ SoGs >.<
[10:11:13 PM] Malebolgia1113: PC?
[10:11:13 PM] guest-5960: shards will stack? so sogs will get buffed?
[10:11:22 PM] DesertKnight: I third that recommendation by majofa.
[10:11:23 PM] zanzarino: Gratitude will turn into the
one[10:11:31 PM] guest-5960: will stealing SoS bring the effect into effect?
[10:11:36 PM] zanzarino: Divinity probably 
[10:11:42 PM] MatrimKK: nice I can't wait for this to come out
[10:11:42 PM] zanzarino: And readiness 
[10:11:57 PM] DesertKnight: ahh I see.
[10:12:03 PM] Higurashi: Feel like buffing SoR when at it? :>[10:12:05 PM] zanzarino: So I am at 4/12[10:12:12 PM] MatrimKK: this is wonderful news

[10:12:12 PM] guest-5960: shards are given non-random quanta?
[10:12:13 PM] majofa: will they all have the same drawbacks as SoS?
[10:12:24 PM] zanzarino: SoR will get a buff only if used on time creatures[10:12:29 PM] Jen-i: it will need changing - if it becomes a perm - to be stackable like the others
[10:12:33 PM] Higurashi: Goodie.
[10:12:34 PM] MatrimKK: will you slowly realise them as they are finished?
[10:12:42 PM] MatrimKK: or wait till you have them all done?
[10:13:00 PM] Malebolgia1113: used on time creature they can use skills 2x per turn
[10:13:05 PM] Malebolgia1113: speed scarabs
[10:13:08 PM] Higurashi: Reveal, not realise x)
[10:13:20 PM] zanzarino: I'll probably release them in 2 versions (6 for each), not sure yet[10:13:30 PM] majofa: hey napalm that means fire 'gets a new card' (kinda)!!
[10:13:39 PM] Malebolgia1113: oh god speed mitosis devonian dragons o-e
[10:13:43 PM] ~Napalm: Yay!
[10:13:45 PM] MatrimKK: oh sorry *release :O
[10:13:46 PM] DesertKnight: Zanz, thank you very much for your work.
[10:13:49 PM] DesertKnight: *bows politely*
[10:13:51 PM] zanzarino: The fire one is probably going to reduce the opponent max HP[10:14:00 PM] Hyroen: can't wait to see the

one! <3
[10:14:05 PM] zanzarino: The water one will probably freeze permanents[10:14:06 PM] majofa: hmm i smell a reliquary
[10:14:11 PM] ~Napalm: Zanz, might I request that Fire be in the first set, as it is the last element to recieve anything new

[10:14:14 PM] Malebolgia1113: possibly the opposite of divinity at your opponent then?
[10:14:29 PM] Malebolgia1113: Ah so water has its PC

[10:14:32 PM] pikachufan2164: Any thoughts on making Half-blood spins a bit more consistent in terms of upped card win chances?
[10:14:33 PM] majofa: and as a prize for winning war #3?
[10:14:33 PM] Malebolgia1113: maybe
[10:14:41 PM] ~Napalm: or that.
[10:14:43 PM] ~Napalm:

[10:14:48 PM] Higurashi: Aether needs to go with it, then, since it's also at 15 cards.
[10:15:08 PM] DesertKnight: *a ninja kirby is ploped next to Napalm for some random reason*
[10:15:08 PM] pikachufan2164: Aether likes having usable new toys

[10:15:17 PM] majofa: what could the aether one do...?
[10:15:25 PM] guest-5960: sure, give fire one, but make it useless

[10:15:29 PM] Malebolgia1113: Mass quint?
[10:15:31 PM] DesertKnight: @majofa: remove immortality?
[10:15:44 PM] MatrimKK: a new aether card for trials :O
[10:15:46 PM] zanzarino: Dunno yet about aether[10:15:51 PM] Malebolgia1113: ^
[10:15:52 PM] Higurashi: Lowering max HP is pretty amazing for Fire, since it never has trouble doing damage.
[10:15:55 PM] majofa: why would aether want that???
[10:16:03 PM] Malebolgia1113: it could reverse the immortality
[10:16:21 PM] DesertKnight: these are suggestions. I havne't a clue why aether would want that necessarliy
[10:16:29 PM] Higurashi: Aether could totally get a creature shard.
[10:16:40 PM] pikachufan2164: Like Psion

[10:16:45 PM] majofa: hmm, it is aether after all
[10:16:46 PM] pikachufan2164: One that does spell damage

[10:16:48 PM] Jen-i: that would rock Higs
[10:16:52 PM] Malebolgia1113: Well, a lot of counters for effects are often found within the same element
[10:16:56 PM] Higurashi: One that has x|x where x is the number of invulnerable creatures in play.
[10:17:07 PM] DesertKnight: I can agree to that Higurashi, since aether deals with that type of stuff.
[10:17:09 PM] Malebolgia1113: gravity shield and gravity creatures' hp for one
[10:17:13 PM] pikachufan2164: Psion -,28117.0.html[10:17:16 PM] Higurashi: But it'd have to be invulnerable itself and be cheap.
[10:17:19 PM] majofa: [22:04:57] majofa: hey zanz is there a way to shut off death effects to bone wall, but not to any other card?[10:17:21 PM] zanzarino: I'll check the forum later for ideas - actually I was thinking about a lightning on a stick card for aether[10:17:25 PM] Higurashi: Like Dimensional Striker.
[10:17:25 PM] Hyroen: What will be interesting to see is if all the Shards provide equal power for their respective elements.
[10:17:32 PM] zanzarino: Not sure if the shard would be appropriate[10:17:35 PM] Higurashi: *shivers*
[10:17:36 PM] ~Napalm: Lightning on a stick?!
[10:17:40 PM] pikachufan2164: Lightning on a stick would be really hard to balance, though
[10:17:51 PM] ~Napalm: *motions to ban all shards for War*
[10:17:52 PM] Higurashi: I would never have dreamed of Ligthning on a stick..
[10:17:56 PM] pikachufan2164: lol
[10:17:57 PM] Malebolgia1113: I had some scorpion ideas, but I guess shards are nice xP
[10:18:02 PM] Jen-i: yeah - that would scare me too karty
[10:18:05 PM] Higurashi: I'm so excited I can't spell.
[10:18:06 PM] DesertKnight: I'm sorry zanz, I'd disagree with that...
[10:18:09 PM] pikachufan2164: I think I just Aethergasmed.[10:18:14 PM] neverstop4325: hmmm
[10:18:15 PM] DesertKnight: (and to you Higurashi)
[10:18:16 PM] zanzarino: Majofa: anything can be done, if worth the time and effort[10:18:29 PM] guest-5960: so with these new permanents
[10:18:32 PM] guest-5960: for example SoS
[10:18:40 PM] Higurashi: Lightning Tower~
[10:18:46 PM] majofa: hmm Death Waltz to the crucible then !!

[10:18:51 PM] Higurashi: Tesla Coil~
[10:18:57 PM] guest-5960: how will you deal with the increasingly large impact on the match of packing PC in your decks?
[10:19:06 PM] zanzarino: It would be just like a 5 atk creature with momentum[10:19:12 PM] Malebolgia1113: Lightning on a stick would need to be something like 2 or 3

for the skill...
[10:19:25 PM] Higurashi: Yep, as mentioned, PC is only getting more and more essential.
[10:19:31 PM] zanzarino: It would autotarget the opponent[10:19:34 PM] pikachufan2164: Oh, so a spell-damage type of shard? That could work[10:19:37 PM] guest-5960: do you think permanents will ever be given HP?
[10:19:49 PM] Higurashi: And the only PC practical for PvP is Steal and Deflag.
[10:19:49 PM] DesertKnight: WHoooo! autotarget the opponent too?
[10:20:03 PM] majofa: not being CC isn't so bad
[10:20:12 PM] zanzarino: No creature slaughtering[10:20:14 PM] Hyroen: Steal just got a whole lot better.
[10:20:17 PM] Malebolgia1113: So I assume that if the water shard freezes permanents, that chockwave follows suit in destroying them?
[10:20:28 PM] Malebolgia1113: shockwave*
[10:20:30 PM] DesertKnight: "diamonds is no longer a woman's best friend, it's aether shards now"...
[10:20:31 PM] zanzarino: Otherwise Owl'd eye would become obsolete[10:20:48 PM] zanzarino: Owl's*
[10:20:50 PM] Higurashi: *bzap*
[10:20:57 PM] guest-5960: like, giving permanents 1-3 HP, and giving PC 1-3 damage
[10:21:22 PM] guest-5960: what happens to frozen permanents?[10:21:28 PM] guest-5960: ie pillars, shiels, etc.
[10:21:30 PM] Malebolgia1113: I agree with 5960, that things could be given "resistances"
[10:21:40 PM] DesertKnight: @zanz: wouldn't there be a high demand for PC balancing cards to handle the onslaught of new PC(shards) with these types of effects?[10:21:42 PM] zanzarino: They do not work for 3 turns[10:21:49 PM] Scaredgirl: morning chat
[10:22:02 PM] DesertKnight: *waves hello to SG*
[10:22:10 PM] pikachufan2164: As in completely deactivated (for permanents that are 'always on'

[10:22:12 PM] guest-5960: so pillars don't generate quanta, and shields don't shield?
[10:22:12 PM] zanzarino: The water shard should partially take care of that[10:22:16 PM] Thatnewguy: Morning boys and girls.
[10:22:18 PM] Scaredgirl: and a special good morning to Zanz

[10:22:36 PM] zanzarino: Since it can be used in any deck - with the proper drawback
[10:22:38 PM] DesertKnight: *waves hello to Thatnewguy*
[10:22:40 PM] Scaredgirl: morning
[10:22:45 PM] zanzarino: Well, hello SG!
[10:22:51 PM] zanzarino: NIce to see you
[10:22:56 PM] pikachufan2164: Any other soft-PC ideas in the shards?
[10:22:56 PM] Higurashi: Ah, so the Water Shard will freeze all shards in a stack.
[10:22:56 PM] Hyroen: where is art for new cards coming from?
[10:23:04 PM] Hyroen: rather.. *new art*
[10:23:08 PM] DesertKnight: you know.. this is the first time i've seen SG and zanz both together....
[10:23:23 PM] pikachufan2164: Recolours of the originals?
[10:23:26 PM] zanzarino: 1 pillar does not generate quanta for 3 turns - not the entire stack[10:23:28 PM] guest-5960: about the backlash problem?
[10:23:29 PM] DesertKnight: .. and chatting
[10:23:38 PM] Thatnewguy: I'm liking that shart.
[10:23:39 PM] Malebolgia1113: Frozen permanents, will shockwave effect them by targeting the player, the permanents directly, or not at all?
[10:23:41 PM] Thatnewguy: Shard*
[10:23:42 PM] guest-5960: like, a pretty large part of strategy is knowing when to play/save stuff
[10:24:03 PM] guest-5960: if the opponent doesn't have darkness quanta, it's almost always okay to play your permanents
[10:24:19 PM] zanzarino: I do not have plans for shockwave targeting permanents yet[10:24:23 PM] Malebolgia1113: And the shard is it a permanent that has a skill, or a spell?
[10:24:29 PM] guest-5960: just like you might refrain from playing novas if the opponent has gravity quanta
[10:24:29 PM] Scaredgirl: we can blame my current timezone for that
[10:24:53 PM] Malebolgia1113: i read shart as something else TNG xP
[10:24:54 PM] Kuroaitou: Back...
[10:25:00 PM] Kuroaitou: Oh hey SG/Zanz >.>
[10:25:04 PM] Scaredgirl: it doesn't get much worse then GMT+8
[10:25:04 PM] DesertKnight: welcome back Kuro.
[10:25:10 PM] Hyroen: will there be any other possible additions other than the shards soon?[10:25:12 PM] Scaredgirl: hi
[10:25:17 PM] pikachufan2164: @Male - Shirt?

[10:25:25 PM] guest-5960: if permanent control becomes this widespread, then permanents are nerfed..
[10:25:26 PM] Malebolgia1113: Eh, losr the r
[10:25:33 PM] zanzarino: Hi Kuro
[10:25:38 PM] zanzarino: Nope - just shards[10:25:48 PM] Higurashi: Hm.. what happens to frozen shields?[10:25:54 PM] zanzarino: And... the fact that SG is here means that I should be sleeping

[10:25:56 PM] Thatnewguy: Eh, the death shard sounds risky, but kinda odd.
[10:26:02 PM] Thatnewguy: Idk if I like it :/
[10:26:09 PM] Thatnewguy: But oh well, NEW TRIAL DECKS!
[10:26:17 PM] zanzarino: As having the shield slot empty for 3 turns[10:26:25 PM] Kuroaitou: Shard of Sacrifice...
[10:26:28 PM] Malebolgia1113: White is so... unreadable in the other mess...
[10:26:30 PM] Higurashi: Huge nerf to Dim Shield :/
[10:26:33 PM] Kuroaitou: that's a pretty awesome virtue O.o
[10:26:56 PM] Higurashi: I hope the drawback will be significant.
[10:26:58 PM] DesertKnight: I can imagine such as "shard of honor" for light?
[10:27:03 PM] Malebolgia1113: So wait the shard, was it a spell or permanent skill?
[10:27:05 PM] DesertKnight: (another virute)
[10:27:17 PM] Malebolgia1113: divinity is likely to be the light DK
[10:27:20 PM] Hyroen: I believe Shard of Divinity was for

[10:27:25 PM] DesertKnight: agreed.
[10:27:31 PM] DesertKnight: I forgot , sorry.
[10:27:40 PM] zanzarino: Yep it will be

[10:27:42 PM] Kuroaitou: Someone should quote these for later

[10:27:49 PM] zanzarino: With some graphic adjustements
[10:27:49 PM] majofa: Shard of Zap for

[10:28:00 PM] guest-5960: lowering max hp sounds darkness to me..
[10:28:03 PM] Malebolgia1113: Yeah, probably silver backgroun
[10:28:06 PM] Malebolgia1113: -d*
[10:28:11 PM] Hyroen: ooh
[10:28:18 PM] DesertKnight: you're planning to give a brand new revamp of all the shards?[10:28:29 PM] guest-5960: like max hp lowered to current hp -5
[10:28:32 PM] Malebolgia1113: He is making them elemental, and a full set
[10:28:36 PM] zanzarino: Yes[10:28:37 PM] majofa: ya, that's a good question zanz... is there a timeframe yet for release?
[10:28:54 PM] DesertKnight: wonderful! thank you very much zanz.
[10:29:00 PM] Higurashi: Sounds like Death to me.
[10:29:04 PM] Higurashi: Slow decay.
[10:29:07 PM] zanzarino: For fire I was actually thinking about a dot similar to poison[10:29:09 PM] DesertKnight: looks liek I better get grinding...
[10:29:20 PM] Hyroen: interesting
[10:29:26 PM] Higurashi: Oh god no..
[10:29:27 PM] Hyroen: Burn perhaps?
[10:29:31 PM] DesertKnight: @zanz: you mean like a "i got burned" effect?[10:29:38 PM] Higurashi: Fire does too much damage compared to other elements already.
[10:29:47 PM] zanzarino: Burn, consume, set on fire that guy not sure about the name yet
[10:29:54 PM] zanzarino: Yes[10:30:02 PM] zanzarino: And that damage would be very slow[10:30:17 PM] Bhlewos: anyone know if numbers was here?
[10:30:18 PM] pikachufan2164: Will Purify heal burns as well?[10:30:20 PM] DesertKnight: how about .. Shard of the Furnace?
[10:30:21 PM] Bhlewos: oh hey Zanz
[10:30:36 PM] MatrimKK: lol DK
[10:30:37 PM] Hyroen: Slow DoT for

Fire? :/
[10:30:40 PM] Revoltion: Slow, IE being able to put into firestall? >_>
[10:30:43 PM] DesertKnight: *waves hello to Bhelewos*
[10:30:50 PM] zanzarino: Purify? Maybe... why not[10:31:01 PM] Malebolgia1113: I think it being the opposite of divinity, perhaps less drastic, would work though.
[10:31:07 PM] Higurashi: Truly terrible for balance.
[10:31:13 PM] MatrimKK: purify is water based

[10:31:15 PM] pikachufan2164: It would at least give it some utility
[10:31:31 PM] Legit: oooh fun
[10:31:34 PM] Higurashi: Was over an hour ago, Bleh.
[10:31:42 PM] Legit: Cool stuff, zanz
[10:31:46 PM] Kuroaitou: Hey Zanz... there's a small question the community still wants to know about. ^^;; - are you by chance still willing to do an interview?[10:31:47 PM] zanzarino: Anyway... way too many deatails I did not think about yet[10:31:54 PM] Kuroaitou: another*
[10:32:04 PM] Malebolgia1113: curious about the gravity one...
[10:32:05 PM] Kuroaitou: It's okay - major thanks for coming in chat

[10:32:21 PM] DesertKnight: no problem zanz, ^_^ if you ever want to be bombarded with questions and comments .. feel free to have another sleepless night and wander in!
[10:32:25 PM] zanzarino: Maybe after the first shards revamp is out[10:32:44 PM] Kuroaitou: Okay! ^_^
[10:32:53 PM] zanzarino: I am going to check the card ideas for the new shards later[10:33:08 PM] Malebolgia1113: Highly unlikely, but would you ever consider adding more scorpions?
[10:33:09 PM] zanzarino: I know someone has been working on series
[10:33:13 PM] DesertKnight: quick Malebolgia! make a card idea for yoru shard!
[10:33:21 PM] DesertKnight: @zanzarino: wasn't that ajit?
[10:33:26 PM] Higurashi: Mm, and we had a huge competition.
[10:33:30 PM] MatrimKK: Maleb sleep

[10:33:35 PM] DesertKnight: I could of sworn he had a simliar line idea...
[10:33:36 PM] Kuroaitou: Ajit did work on a set of gems
[10:33:43 PM] Kuroaitou: also, what Higu said
[10:33:45 PM] ~Napalm: Hmmmm.
[10:33:47 PM] Higurashi: Gems, yep.
[10:33:53 PM] majofa: is that gonna be a mass reliquary?
[10:33:59 PM] ~Napalm: If Fire was to get a Shard, what would I want it to do. *thinks hard*
[10:34:02 PM] Higurashi: And someone made Amulets too.
[10:34:16 PM] guest-5960: windswept, lithification, and shatter (with modifications) would make cool shards

[10:34:21 PM] DesertKnight: it's a good starting place I think...
[10:34:25 PM] Kuroaitou: Shard Madness:,11099.0.html[10:34:27 PM] guest-5960: <-- guest's identity is revealed
[10:34:27 PM] Malebolgia1113: Ah this is perfect!
[10:34:39 PM] Malebolgia1113: I have an idea.
[10:34:47 PM] Revoltion: Moar phoenixes

[10:34:48 PM] Malebolgia1113: when zanz comes back though ^^
[10:35:08 PM] Bhlewos: thanks Higs. he's prolly not gonna come back then?
[10:35:10 PM] zanzarino: Thank you for the link.
[10:35:17 PM] Kuroaitou: Oh god, if he makes 9-12 cards all from the levels... that's 9-12 articles the curators will have to write about for the reliquary XD
[10:35:22 PM] zanzarino: Ok, time for me to get some rest.
[10:35:22 PM] Kuroaitou: No problem Mr Z.
[10:35:25 PM] Higurashi: Probably not.
[10:35:34 PM] Malebolgia1113: I had an idea about shards that was probably an unlikelihood until more were out... well they soon will bbe ^^
[10:35:41 PM] Malebolgia1113: wait zanz
[10:35:46 PM] Kuroaitou: ^^; Night zanz~
[10:35:48 PM] Bhlewos: lol
[10:35:48 PM] Malebolgia1113: what about a Crystal?
[10:35:52 PM] DevilLoss: hi/bye zanz
[10:35:56 PM] Bhlewos: gnight zanz
[10:35:56 PM] zanzarino: Night everyone... or morning... or whatever

[10:27:49 PM] zanzarino: I'm also changing "Armagio" to "Armedilgo"
Just kidding

(Joke courtesy of Legit)