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While this wasn't from zanz, it could be useful...
[10:55:13] Kuroaitou: Destiny has Trebuchet all D:
This is correct. I've also noticed it.


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I saw osiris with trebuchet a few times now.


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Without reading through the entire thread/forum,  it seems Feral Bond now gives health AFTER creatures have attacked. If anyone can point me to some posts regarding the introduction of this I'd really appreciate it; I'd like to see the reasoning behind it. This change means I'm going earn about half the electrum I do now.

Offline Ryli

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I'd like to see the reasoning behind it.
It removes certain bugs (vampire, voodoo, and maybe a few others)


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Still a bit lame tho. Other than heal its the only realy way (I think) to get health before each round for EM. Isnt there some other way to solve this bug?

Offline Dragoon1140

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Still a bit lame tho. Other than heal its the only realy way (I think) to get health before each round for EM.
Vampire Dagger
Liquid Shadow
Holy Light
Else known as "JonTheBon"

I also make videos and stuff.


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Just count your damage and make a final blow with a weapon. That gives times for SoGs to heal, and is how most EMs are done anyway.

This whole "Bond cant EM anymore" discussion is blown completely out of proportions. Firstly, rarely anyone really uses Bond to EM. 1 Bond heals 1 per creature, and unless you spam those, you'll likely be in situations where creature damage will kill the opponent before it heals you anyway. SoGs are cheaper and better for actual survival until you setup your board.
If you're really aiming to EM all the time, SoGs + simple Heal can do the trick if you're unable to hit with weapon.
If even that cant settle your needs for EMs, Miracle + Luci/Heal will ALWAYS work, which is billion times more reliable than Bonds.

About "waaahhhh my Bond is not healing me when my creature is just about to die from poison": this is barely noticeable nerf. Difference happens only on that single turn, for that single point of healing, and only against opponents that actually use infections or fireshield, which is simply - really really REALLY RARE.

Actually, the biggest nerf with Bonds is when you're against pulled Doll, as in that situation Bond is a difference between life and death, and, not surprisingly at all, no one is whining about that.
Similar situation is when your antimattered vamp is about to kill you.

Lastly, against sum of all generic opponents, Bonds received a buff.

Offline Demagog

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Sanctuary will be awesome. Entropy's gonna lose their huge advantage in the wars: discord. I sure hope it's earth... Light already has a new card :-(

Offline Dragoon1140

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Sanctuary will be awesome. Entropy's gonna lose their huge advantage in the wars: discord. I sure hope it's earth... Light already has a new card :-(
I think Zanzarino mentioned it already, but Sanctuary + PA is just too much of a combo.  Light deserves it, but Earth will definitely gain something themselves.
Else known as "JonTheBon"

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Offline bucky1andonly

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I think if t50 becomes t500, or t5000, all accounts should be wiped :P
it will still mostly be the same people on top anyway, more so most likely due to free money with having to do nothing but be afk.  And instead of seeing fg decks in t50, you will see actual pvp decks that even the cpu can use in the t500/t5000.  Rich get richer while the poor beg for scraps :P

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Still a bit lame tho. Other than heal its the only realy way (I think) to get health before each round for EM.
Vampire Dagger
Liquid Shadow
Holy Light
You forgot black hole

Offline BC

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I think if t50 becomes t500, or t5000, all accounts should be wiped :P
it will still mostly be the same people on top anyway, more so most likely due to free money with having to do nothing but be afk.  And instead of seeing fg decks in t50, you will see actual pvp decks that even the cpu can use in the t500/t5000.  Rich get richer while the poor beg for scraps :P
Down with the poor! It's about time we rich get richer.  :))

