Yes, more quotes (roughly the same as Kuro's, but with a bit more at the end)

[10:57:43 PM] zanzarino: Hi... I am uploading some interesting stuff
[10:58:13 PM] zanzarino: Nope.... the darkness card
[10:58:37 PM] jmdt: cloak
[10:58:43 PM] zanzarino:[10:58:48 PM] zanzarino: ^ Updated
[10:58:55 PM] zanzarino: ...And in the trainer as well
[11:00:08 PM] Malduk: invisible = untargetable or completely removed from the board?
[11:00:22 PM] zanzarino: invisible=...invisible
[11:00:30 PM] zanzarino: You can not see tha cards anymore
[11:01:13 PM] zanzarino: cloak is the only visible cards and can be destroyed
[11:01:27 PM] zanzarino: Area of affect spells will remove cloak as well
[11:04:55 PM] zanzarino: Nah 1 or two gravity cards...
[11:05:30 PM] zanzarino: Still thinking about earth, life and sanctuary, those might have to wait next patch
[11:06:00 PM] jmdt: you think we may see a cost decrease to bond?
[11:06:22 PM] zanzarino: jmdt: probably
[11:08:20 PM] Kuroaitou: @zanz: Was cloak inspired by any card found on the forum Zanz? ^^; Just curious.
[11:08:21 PM] willng3: Yeah, Bucky really worked on that one.
[11:08:41 PM] zanzarino: No issue i just need to create the art and the code
[11:09:04 PM] zanzarino: Kuro: no, I had cloak in my list of card to create for a long long time
[11:12:29 PM] Malignant: Cloak will have a timer, like Sundial?
[11:12:49 PM] zanzarino: 2 turns malignant
[11:12:59 PM] zanzarino: Might increase it to 3 if needed
[11:13:26 PM] zanzarino: I did not test it in a deck yet, might be a little bit on the situational side
[11:15:04 PM] Malignant: nobody can see it

[11:16:16 PM] zanzarino: You can still see your cards... in fact nothing changes for you... It is your opponent that can not see them anymore
11:16:41 PM] Malignant: Wonder what happens to noobs who will go..."HOW YOU GENERATE QUANTA?"

11:17:40 PM] zanzarino: Well it is quite easy to understand what happens since all the cards disappear and the only card left says "cloak"
11:21:14 PM] ~Napalm: what happens when 2 Cloaks are played at the same time?
[11:21:45 PM] zanzarino: Napalm: nothing, you wasted one of those
[11:21:47 PM] ~Napalm: I'm assuming 1 stays visible, but I don't know for sure
[11:23:25 PM] EvaRia: Also, any idea what happened to chris kang? =O
[11:23:51 PM] zanzarino: chris? He disappeared almost 1 year ago
[11:24:13 PM] zanzarino: Probably got busy with something
[11:24:58 PM] EvaRia: I saw your website btw
[11:25:36 PM] zanzarino: Mine?
[11:26:02 PM] EvaRia: <<< =]
[11:26:22 PM] zanzarino: Lol I did not update that website in about 2 years
[11:26:23 PM] Malduk: zanz is not busy. i always think he spends days on the beach chillin and drinking liquer, while not working on elements.
[11:26:50 PM] EvaRia: oh lol
[11:26:57 PM] zanzarino: Beach? In Ohio?
[11:30:20 PM] EvaRia: so, any new spoilers for what new cards to expect?
[11:30:48 PM] zanzarino: Still working on the gravity one(s)
[11:31:34 PM] zanzarino: Catapult first
[11:32:02 PM] zanzarino: Or ballista... trebuchet... whatever fits the concept better

[11:33:05 PM] zanzarino: i am actually thinking about using a little bit of math there
[11:33:19 PM] EvaRia: like adrenaline?
[11:33:29 PM] zanzarino: Yes
[11:33:44 PM] zanzarino: Precisely*
[11:33:50 PM] zanzarino: Full HP for small creatures
[11:34:00 PM] EvaRia: "Sacrifice target creature and do damage to your opponent. The larger the creature, the more damage done." ?
[11:34:11 PM] zanzarino: Yep
[11:34:45 PM] zanzarino: I can even add the damage done on the crosshair, so that there is no guessing
[11:34:52 PM] zanzarino: It should be quite simple to use
[11:35:46 PM] EvaRia: Btw, are you ever planning on actually changing the mechanic for fractal?
[11:35:55 PM] zanzarino: The max damage per cerature should be around 25
[11:36:22 PM] Malignant: If Fractal doesn't drain...OPness lurks.
[11:36:23 PM] zanzarino: Fractal? Actually no, I am thinking about alternatives
[11:36:37 PM] zanzarino: One of reasons it is os popular is that it is unique
[11:36:44 PM] zanzarino: - and cheap -
[11:36:57 PM] zanzarino: I'll probably end up adding 1 quanta to the cost
[11:37:01 PM] jmdt: fractal adds lots of options to the game and is fun to use
[11:37:05 PM] Malduk: new ways of getting cards not in your deck? always lovely to hear
[11:37:13 PM] zanzarino: And adding cards that do similar things. I already have a life one in mind
[11:38:32 PM] zanzarino: I am thinking about something like fertility" the target creature gains the skill "spawn" and can generate copies of itself (offsprings)
[11:39:01 PM] EvaRia: What if you give it to a mutant? =O
[11:39:08 PM] Mindz: basically turning it into a deja vu
[11:39:56 PM] zanzarino: It just uses the card... it is not an exact copy like deja vu or TU
[11:40:06 PM] Malignant: Fate Egg spawning Fate Eggs!
[11:40:12 PM] zanzarino: I'll have to find the correct wording for the card
[11:40:18 PM] SteppingStone81: so spawns would not have buffs of the original?
[11:40:33 PM] zanzarino: Nope
[11:40:57 PM] zanzarino: It will work like a fractal - kind of- where you get a copy of the card per turn, directly on the field
[11:41:03 PM] Mindz: it would be like a firefly queen
[11:41:08 PM] Mindz: but producing a copy of the card itself
[11:41:11 PM] Mindz: not fireflies
[11:41:14 PM] zanzarino: yes exactly
[11:41:30 PM] EvaRia: I guess it's cost would have to reflect the cost of the creature?
[11:41:54 PM] zanzarino: yes, it will be the same cost (same as playing it from your hand)
[11:41:58 PM] Malignant: Is Spawn automatic or do we have to click it

[11:42:12 PM] zanzarino: click it... like FFQ
[11:42:34 PM] EvaRia: FFQ spawning.... FFQs?
[11:42:44 PM] zanzarino: Evaria: yes
[11:43:09 PM] pikachufan2164: SoR + Spawn....
[11:43:23 PM] willng3: + TU

[11:43:36 PM] zanzarino: I didn't think about SoR that might be a problem
[11:43:42 PM] Malignant: Generate a copy in your hand = Fixed.
[11:47:33 PM] Mindz: so because I've only played for a week or so. am I correct in understanding that there's only 2 mass effect cards?
[11:47:56 PM] zanzarino: Minz: not even close

[11:48:34 PM] zanzarino: Rain of fire, thunderstorm, plague, pandemonium, retrovirus
[11:48:44 PM] zanzarino: ...and unstable gas
[11:48:45 PM] Mindz: innundation
[11:49:37 PM] zanzarino: Uhm... I did not count inundation as AoE in the code for cloak
[11:50:53 PM] Mindz: but zanz, deadly poison is a spell, correct?
[11:51:23 PM] zanzarino: Mindz yes but it does not direct damage... it just adds to the poison counter
[11:51:33 PM] zanzarino: That will later do teh damage
[11:51:33 PM] EvaRia: you don't actually target using poison
[11:51:40 PM] Mindz: jade shield only reflects spells that do damage then?
[11:52:00 PM] Malignant: Direct Damage.
[11:52:44 PM] zanzarino: i was also trying to stick to the concept there... if I stab you with a poisonous weapon i do not care if you are carrying around a mirror
[11:53:17 PM] zanzarino: For the same reason mirror should not reflect the catapult damage either
[11:53:50 PM] Malignant: How does a Mirror stop unstable gas from reaching you

[11:53:56 PM] EvaRia: Unstable Gas doesn't explode when you explode it with explosion
[11:54:13 PM] zanzarino: It stops... the explosion?
[11:54:35 PM] Malignant: The game will never make sense!
[11:55:14 PM] zanzarino: You are right malignant it will never completely make sense
[11:56:13 PM] EvaRia: Ever going to add more 0 HP creature btw? Those are fun =D
[11:56:58 PM] EvaRia: I toyed with some ideas and it would be cool to have 0 HP things with abilities
[11:56:59 PM] zanzarino: For the longest time almost eveyone ignored sparks
[11:57:18 PM] zanzarino: I had to buff those at least 3 times before someone started using them
[11:59:07 PM] zanzarino: I increased the damage twice, death effects and fractal also worked as buffs
[11:59:46 PM] Malignant: So Spark didn't activate Death Effects? Or there wasn't any card that benefits from creatures dying?
[11:59:59 PM] zanzarino: It takes a while to get those usage statistics graphs from the database
[12:00:34 AM] Malduk: apart from bonewall, death effects are meh. boneyard is okay if you're using skellies as fodder though
[12:00:41 AM] zanzarino: Spark did... but only graveyard and scavengers could make use of it
[12:02:25 AM] zanzarino: Chat crashed... ok... i am going to fix a few small things about cloak ... I'll be back later (maybe)

CloakTrebuchetSomething with a Spawn abilityFractal probably getting nerfed to 10|9 :aetherProbable cost decrease to Bond after it gets nerfed