Hmm, as nice as the quests sound, i cant say i like the idea of the bonus to the mark, it kinda means that people who are already better at the game, or simply have the cards to make better decks, will have even more advantage...
Although i would like to be able to use it on SNs

Personally i would prefer it if it gave something which is already obtainable, like a shard or just rares in general.
Also have to say that im really not a fan of cards which are hard counters to specific other cards, i mean its not really fun when you play a game and your opponent has a mark for the key card in your deck.
Also, if this is added in, how will this apply to ai opponents? will some of them have them? Or does it only apply to ordinary players?
Oh and i also have a problem with the fact that we need to repeat the quests that change what the card is, this kinda encourages the use of a single deck, which im not really a fan of doing...
But yeah, as i said, getting a shard would be nice, maybe a random non shard, non nymph rare for the normal difficulty quests, and a shard for the hard difficulty quests?