After many consecutive games of playing the same AI3 using the exact same deck, I have given up on my quest. I have no idea why this is happening. Maybe I just shouldn't try to release Zanz's decks so soon.
with Armagios, Stone Skins, Basilisks Bloods and Catapult. Contains Titan and Pulveriser for the Rare hunters, and also an Auburn Nymph. Has a couple of EQs and Gemfinders. I would like to congratulate the maker of this deck - While I haven't lost yet with My Death/Entropy duo, I came very close once, saved my my bone wall, and the AI using Gravity pull on my dragon. The deck is challenging without ever completly locking you down (making you feel helpless) , and uses catapults quite well.
Good Deck, and Good Deck choice here.