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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116676#msg116676
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2010, 08:28:47 am »
2 for everything and 3 for darkness


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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116683#msg116683
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2010, 09:01:17 am »
I voted for:

Entropy 2: My favorite remake and the first on the list.

Death 2: Really liking it. Partially because purple is my favorite color and because it really looks like it belongs in "Death."

Gravity 2: The clouds and background in the old one aren't that pleasant to look at for me. This remake looks fairly similar and okay, but with different colors and some kind of gravitational barrier, I assume.

Earth 1: The new one just doesn't pop for me. I might also think it looks like something else other than a pillar....

Life 1: The remake doesn't really look like a pillar to me. The green thing wrapping around it just looks strange.

Fire 1: The new one doesn't look like a pillar as well. It looks more like an ember.

Water 2: Really like the effect of how the water is taking shape and sustaining itself.

Light 2: Not much I can say about this one. The green-blue-ish tint would not of made sense if I didn't already know why the sky is blue. Great color scheme.

Air 2: The impression I get by the new pillar art is that it's made of clouds and is producing more of them. I like it.

Darkness 3: Dark, gloomy, and it looks like it's sucking up everything around it to sustain itself.

Aether 1: The art remake doesn't make me think of aether, nor does it remind me of a pillar. What is going on here?

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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116693#msg116693
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2010, 09:37:37 am »
My general opinion is that most of the new art is wonderful, but indeed if it's going to replace the old art (whether for towers only, or for pillars too), than all the pillars should get a new art (maybe except time factories), rather than a chosen few.

And this would work best if all the new art represented roughly the same quality. I'll try to write some constructive criticism just in case anyone wants to redo the art, but I'll state once again that the new art is amazing ;)

 :entropy - 2 looks like it's weakening, withering and dwindling... I'd say it might need some energy and brightness. It seems like based on the :entropy :darkness duo too much.

 :death - 2 has a great climate but it does not look like bones, I'd brighten the pillar and add some 'bigger' bones to make it clearly visible.
3 has some good potential but lacks the epic feeling of 2...

 :gravity - 2... I liked the orange lightning in the old one and the black circle looks strange on this one. I think it would look better if the black circle was removed and the orange lightning was added in the background.

 :earth - 2... the pillar looks very unstable and vulnerable which does not fit :earth well, it also looks kind of flat. I guess making it wider and adding more shading would serve it well.

 :life - 2 perfect as is.

 :fire - 2... the original looked more like a fire and had a shape of a pillar, the new one looks like some strange red jellyfish... I'd prefer a new art resembling the old one but with new background.

 :water - 2 is perfect.

 :light - 2 looks great as is, but I guess changing the bottom part into some kind of grasslands instead of clouds would reduce the similarity to :air.

 :air - 2 looks great.

 :darkness - 3 looks perfect though 2 also has a nice feeling, but the tower looks too flat.

 :aether - 2 looks quite good, but would probably look better if combined with the previous art (i.e. put inside a teal transparent column).
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai

Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116712#msg116712
« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2010, 11:01:03 am »
All new pillars are great!
However, Aether 2 doesnt look like a pillar to me, thought it is quite beautiful~


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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116713#msg116713
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2010, 11:08:50 am »
i checked 2 for everything except: Earth (too cartoonish), Fire, Water

Light - needs to change the background, too blue-ish right now
Gravity - has been said but it looks cool, just doesnt seem like a pillar
Aether - same as gravity

and again, the new Stone Pillar is horrendous...reminds me of the old days of Magic:theGathering illustration before they could afford to hire actual talents

if you want a reference, look no further than John Avon (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?page=0&action=advanced&artist=+%5B%22John%20Avon%22%5D&type=+%5B%22Land%22%5D)'s work on M:tG


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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116722#msg116722
« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2010, 11:44:22 am »
Very cool Pillars. I've seen most of them before, but some were new.

All new pillars are great!
However, Aether 2 doesnt look like a pillar to me, thought it is quite beautiful~
Yes, I know what you mean.

I think some images like :gravity 2 and :aether 2 are great but just don't look like Pillars. If you look at for example :air 2, the image is taken from a distance, and you can see the relative size of them. :gravity 2 , :fire 2, :aether 2 .. all these are missing something in the background that would show relative size, making them look small.

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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116733#msg116733
« Reply #42 on: July 17, 2010, 12:06:53 pm »
Personally I love them all


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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116751#msg116751
« Reply #43 on: July 17, 2010, 12:36:26 pm »
My comments on the new pillars:

 :entropy: The style looks like to be death, but I still love it   ;)   How about a number of straight-line pulses reflecting inside a invisible tower into sky?
 :darkness: The style of the second one looks like to be entropy, but I still love it   ;)   The third one looks like "Arsenic"....  ='|
 :gravity: It strays away from the common framework of the pillar design  :-X How about a swinging mechanism, pendulum for example?
 :earth: Better more complex in terms of colour usage?!  :-\
 :life: I prefer it without the green wrappings - clear and pure stone emanating soft light inside a cave...
 :fire: Definitely needs a ground  :'(
 :water: I prefer a waterfall - Static but still energetic   :P
 :light: I extremely love this one  ;D
 :air: Nice.
 :darkness: The background of middle one is too bright that it isn't darkness and "spooky" at all. That's why I love the third one.
 :aether: Could it be something like a black hole absorbing the surroundings? Or stars falling down from sky?

 :time: ABSOLUTELY it needs another design. How about something like that in reverse time with yellow balls surrounding the pillar?

Finally... No change for the unupgraded pillars but a change to the upgraded ones?

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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116790#msg116790
« Reply #44 on: July 17, 2010, 01:56:09 pm »
Emerald, burning, gravity, and aether pillars looks more like crazed sculptures than the source of an elemental's power.  Maybe a more obvious connection to the ground would help?  Most of the rest look great.

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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116796#msg116796
« Reply #45 on: July 17, 2010, 02:12:20 pm »
I like the new art a lot. I think it would be cool though, to have the new art for the upgraded version. Regardless I wouldnt mind a complete change either.
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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116798#msg116798
« Reply #46 on: July 17, 2010, 02:18:12 pm »
New art for upgraded version would be cool

Offline Bluesky

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Re: New art for towers/pillars https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9788.msg116840#msg116840
« Reply #47 on: July 17, 2010, 03:48:55 pm »
The poll's results are predictable.

