Nerf SoP!!!
sop+Fractal Ball Lighting is overpowerful
a deck without SoB, can win a 100hp in 5 turns
also can beat FGs easily
in 3rd turn, SoP + many ball lighting(at least 7-8) ,growth to 7/2 in end of turn. it has 50+damage, kill pvp in 2 turns, kill FG in 4 turns.steal or destory sop is useless here.also dont afraid of Sosac,or many point CC.
Have you ever played ANY mono-rush?
Rush deck,for example, mono fire, can win in 5 turns.Crem rush deck I used with SoB, can win in 4 turns.But all these rush deck have a problem,they are very weak when opponent have any CC,bone wall,miss shield,sosac,or sth. else. Almost rush deck, of couse it quite fast, BUT the weakness is obvious.
but this sop deck don't like those, it not only fast, also can kill FG, even if you have lightingstrom,firestrom, you can't kill them unless the first turn next opponent put his patience.
I mean, every deck should have disadvantage: Rush deck afraid CC,sosac deck afraid sop or purify, combo deck afraid black compared this deck with rush deck or mono rush deck. But in fact , it is not a rush deck. rush deck is weak to FGs, rush deck sacrifice all defance to bargain with speed. But this deck based on AEther, Even can add phase shield .
I would like to mention, immo rushes are faster and can fit control. The fastest ball lightning + shard of patience can get is turn 4 win, which is going to be uncommon. 3 turns is more then enough to be able to setup something or another.
Not like this needs any more input, but I'm clearly a Patience lover so here goes.
The TTW of SoP Ball Lightnings barely differs at all to a Mono-Aether Ball-Lightning deck. The options and potential of the Patient deck are faced off by equal weaknesses. For example,
if the Patient deck
does meet a Thunderstorm, then it will have failed completely to do
any damage at all so far. The standard Ball lightning on the other hand
doesn't give a flying poop about Creature Control. The trade off is for the greater potential that Patience offers if, obviously, the player is able to be patient.
I'm curious about the potential to rush a FG. But this seems dependent on Phase Shields which means the deck has the same weakness as all Phase Shield decks vs FGs. Consider salvagers?
I would also like to see this 4TTW Ball Lightning deck omegareaper7 described as 'uncommon'. Most of these decks will be running SoP's off of the Water Mark alone, which means you won't have your Upped Patience until the third turn. You would need it on the second to get a 4TTW. Throw in a few Water Towers and it might be possible, but your hand would have to look like this.
1 Fractal
1 Spark
1 SoP
You can draw them in any order, but there are no exceptions, and you must play second. So possible, yes, but it'll be
pretty uncommon
Not intended as a dig at you, omega.