Thunderstorm now inflicts 2 damage, cost increased to 3/2
Shards are not "other" cards anymore and cost quanta of the appropriate element
Shard of patience bonus is now +2|+2 for any creature. +5|+5 for water creatures under water (flooded area)
Shard of wisdom now grants a +4|+0 bonus to any creature, immortals also gain spell damage, cost increased to 3/2
Shard of readiness will let a
creature use its skill twice in a turn - just like before - but no more than twice, cost reduced to 3/2
Thunderstorm: I think the +1 cost was needed with the +1 damage thing. I could definitely see myself using the card in this version; it might even still be a bit cheap, but it shouldn't be broken OP.
Patience: The fractal spark thing makes me fairly nervous. I was actually fairly happy with the old shard of patience. I don't mind the +5/+5 flooding bonus; that is very hard to achieve anyway, so buffing that part of the card is fine.
Wisdom: Compared to cards like improved blessing or chaos power, this isn't actually that much stronger. It is a buff for the card, but other than on spiders, not really for monoaether. How many people splash light just for blessing in a deck? Probably not very many. They do for chaos power, most notably in chaos wyrms, but that's because it only costs 1 quanta. Overall I think this card is a bit better than blessing, but remember that not gaining the extra hp means the target is still as vulnerable to CC as it ever was, and dealing spell damage can be a liability in the case of reflective shields. If a nerf is decided upon, I'd go with either +1 cost or +3/+0 instead of 4.
Readiness: I've been clamoring for -exactly- this change ever since the last time shard of readiness was changed, so I agree 100% with this. I think that it would be usable in this form even if kept in other.