I like Blue buff, it makes the damsel in distress deck worth it even without Quint. And Quint slows that deck down to nothingness. Using her alongside other Air creatures is fine IMO.
Auburn buff is a bit too much, perhaps.
As for Queen, it's simple: FFQ costs 6 quanta and for 2 off-element quanta produces a 3 atk critter. Nymph Queen would cost the same through in-element NT but has 3 more attack, and for 2 more quanta and one quanta producer she doesn't just create another creature, but a copy of herself. So double the punch of Firefly Queen, spawning way faster, and in a mono to boot. I think it's a bit too much. I agree it doesn't solve Water's problems, but it is a bit unbalanced. Losing a quanta producer is not worth that much.
I think testing is the only way to determine how good the queen is now. Losing a quanta producer is not worth that much, but we're talking about losing a lot of quanta producers (for a lot of queens, yes). Unless you can say for certain that the impact is linearly related, you can't say for certain that the queen is now OP compared to firefly queen (or pharaoh, which by the way, seems easier to compare to since it is also a mono card).
Which makes it a card that is good to be splashed and works as a finisher, stall breaker and similar. Just like Pharaoh, but better. If losing too many pillars is a problem, create four queens (they hit like a truck regardless), stall for a bit, then double them in a turn for the finish. Really, it's an AWESOME card on multiple levels, not as a whole deck but as an addition to other, normal decks.
4 queens. Doubling them requires four towers and 16
quanta. And I'm going to assume that at least 2 of the 4 initial nymphs also come from towers. So 6 towers, lots of
quanta. Chances are, you're probably going mono water then. In that case, you're also probably not playing much of anything else.
In the meantime, the opponent will play his cards. Damage, shields, cc, whatever.
I'm not saying that the queen isn't OP now. I'm just saying it's not obvious whether it is or not. In your particular example, I don't even think pharaoh/firefly queen are good comparisons. A better comparison would be with something like fire/life rush, since that is the deck style.