Spoiler for Hidden:
*rephrases* that beats certain kinds of decks. Even 10 out of the 500 is enough (1/50, skipping at 4 secs => 1 every 3 mins 1/2. That's a guaranteeed win vs plat every 6-7 mins, assumin' your deck is slow as znaz)
49 skips would cost you 245
, meaning that using this method at the current rate on Platinum you'd be making 77
every 6-7 minutes if you got an EM and losing at least 84
every 6-7 minutes if you don't. You'd make more
per minute by farming AI3. You also automatically count yourself out of the possibility of winning an upgraded rare from the special spin.
I don't see why anyone would play this way. It's certainly not a winning strategy.
Two points to make here :
1) Yes, it means something : not 95%, more like 70% of the leagues are unoriginal. If there was no community behind there'd probably be 95% of unoriginality.
Yet you'd still get exactly the same kudos you get now, plus you'd get a monetary reward. That's even better, isn't it?
2) Annnd you'd basicly be FORCED not to use some kinds of decks. What if i like submitting ghostmare in arena because it annoys people? (since i do not give a care for
Why would you enjoy making other people not enjoy playing the game? Why would you want to actively drive people away? If you enjoy annoying people, why aren't you actively campaigning against zanz wanting to remove sources of frustration?
And, if you truly do enjoy annoying people, then I'd say tough. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If those few people who enjoy actively discouraging others from playing don't get to ruin other people's fun any more and the majority get to enjoy the game more, then I side with those who want to actually enjoy the game. That's kind of the point of a game, isn't it?
I still see the reverse. Let me devellop.
A) Player who plays can nitpick and basicly choose opponents. Win % increases enormously, so reward increase (base reward x win % = reward)
If you make an interesting deck, people will play it. If you make a boring, unimaginative deck then, well, whose fault is that?
B) K, reread. So basicly, submit a farm and enjoy free electrum for submitting a losing deck.
A losing deck will drop off the bottom of the leaderboard quickly and won't make much. You can probably earn more on average from Oracle spins. Especially now that you automatically win every card spun.
(people won't be playing winning decks, even if they're original. Unless you can make a deck which looks like it won't win but does, which i don't believe is doable.)
Unless people like a challenge, of course. Or are after rares. You forget that to get the main reward of playing against the Arena you have to win consecutive rounds. You come up against a deck in Gold that you think your deck might win against, or might not. You've already won 2 in a row. You want a Shard of Wisdom. What do you do? Do you really autoquit?
So basicly, reward without risk.
No, reward without frustration.
Again, isn't playing a game supposed to be fun? If it's not, then don't you think there's a problem?
I think you may have overlooked one part of zanz's post:
I am trying my best to take a second, possibly more inspired look at Elements and I am trying to eliminate sources of frustration, while keeping the game challenging.
Gold/platinum were intended to be comparable/harder than false gods. In order to have challenges, they will involve aspects that result in frustration. In a game where in the end it's all about wins/losses, very rarely can you make something challenging and yet not cause some amounts of frustration.
Putting that aside for now, for your solution, I see two scenarios:
The first is that I don't see it doing much of anything. People in gold/platinum care about arena deck wins because it determines the deck rank, which is what they care about. The electrum gain is negligible. Your solution would make it so that the "annoying" decks don't get played, but those decks will likely still have a better ranking because the decks that do get played are likely to be defeated more often than not.
The second scenario (and more likely, imo) would be that the arena would devolve back into something like the former T50. This assumes that the reason people put up difficult decks is mainly because it gives the feeling of them beating you. Your solution basically tells people to either put up a mediocre deck or nobody will play it*. People would probably lose interest in making an effort to build decks given this demand/pressure and eventually there will just be rare farms, non-seriousness, and a return to what zanz was attempting to change in the first place.
*and yes, nobody/very few will play tough decks even if they were "interesting." Thinking otherwise is being way too optimistic. Most people want to win, and they will choose to skip any deck, boring or interesting, that they feel they don't have a good chance of winning. That leaves the decks being played the most as the ones losing most games.