Just want to LoL this ... i have deck lvl 60 , about 600 upped cards and i still do not have all shards that you put up in last patch and you put more INPOSIBLE TO BEAT ones...
wow... where have u been farming? how come at level 60 you have no shards??
First of all m8 i play this game for a long time ... Second top50 was much better for farming rare cards then now ... FG now is easy to beat but i had to work my self and playing about 300 games for some chance to beat them with my first FG deck ( full upped rol/hope) then there was CC why bother etc. etc... farming is not that important m8... i lost today vs deck that had
mark .
pillars and 12 shards ( i do not want to comment that ) after 2.5k games that i played i lose vs 3 CARD DECK... and someone wants to tell me that new shards are not owerpowerd- ... plz skip it ...
1. One of the reasons T50 is gone is because of the large number of rare farms, such that rares weren't rare at all.
2. Arena breaks SoX, not the other way around. Have you tried it, either using it or playing against it, in a normal setting? You'll notice that most of the shards are more or less fine in a normal setting. Your example sounds like SoX is OP, but remember that it was against a deck that was made to be OP, as arena decks of that level are supposed to be.
1. i do not want to comment this ...
2.I still thing that FG decks should be more challenging then arena decks ... "Your example sounds like SoX is OP, but remember that it was against a deck that was made to be OP, as arena decks of that level are supposed to be."( i do not want to comment this x2)
Arena what lvl ? gold ,silver (try pestal) i farmed about 40 k electrum just from EM didnt get reres but i did get a lot of coins ... for bronze easy one you can go with fully upped CC why bother deck ... about 90 % win rate i think ... i lost max 10 games that i can remember ...
Only thing i do not like is when i get beaten x times cuz of 1 card ...