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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404177#msg404177
« Reply #540 on: October 04, 2011, 07:19:39 pm »
Dimensional Shield + Protect Artifact give more advantages:
- playable
- no quanta loses.
- synergy with healing.
- 3 turn life saver (1 turn more than SoSac)

Then, why we should use SoSac anymore??
Maybe I am wrong. Please someone tell me a deck that really get the most benefit of SoSac..

About SoR: I think SoR needs a buff on it non-time use. Now it is underused and It will stay this way if nothing is done against that.
I think SoR is strong enough to use on non-time creature such as: mitosis creature and creature that use many quanta (such as nymph) or maybe creature that use quanta that there is not in main quanta.. So, SoR is quite strong card depend on the strategy.
That combo requires two cards, not one, big difference.
Also, SoR was almost never used even on mitosis creatures because it takes up a slot that could be used for something more helpful. giving time creatures is fine, but others need something as well otherwise it still won't be used much except for expensive ability's and time creatures. I think that's what oldtrees was trying to say.
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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404191#msg404191
« Reply #541 on: October 04, 2011, 07:53:13 pm »
But perhaps thats the point? As in, the shards are supposed to have little use if you're not using that element. Non-time SoR isn't that good, but lets take a look at the others post-patch and compare.

Shard of Patience: Sure, you can make the scorp argument, but other than that this is going to be almost strictly with water decks. And so far I'm not seeing the scorp deck that'd be better with this than Dune-momentum or dark eclipse-venom scorp.

Shard of Divinity: 16 max hp and 16 hp, not going to help all that much. But +24 max hp / hp for a miracle stall? This can actually be useful. I don't see it outside light though.

Shard of Gratitude: Now inferior in every respect to sanctuary outside of Life. Rainbows now want sanc for the +1 hp and hand protection. But even life has feral bonds, so its niche is reserved for Fire Stall Life edition. Any deck that needs healing that bad can splash an easier heal method usually.

Shard of Void: Considering it doesn't deal damage, its a real niche card to utilize in the first place, and as its niche, if you're using it its a core part of the strategy. And if its a core part of the strategy... there's no reason to not Dark Mark. If you're not gonna go dark mark with it you can probably do whatever you're trying to do without the card.

Shard of Serendipity: Perhaps the only card without much use inside its own element, its a card purely for rainbows. But Entropy has always been the 'Rainbow' element, and this solidifies that.

Shard of Sacrifice: Not that good especially at its nerf outside of mono-death. This is because it drains your quanta, and unless you're using death this can be a big problem if you "need" to play it at a bad time. However in mono-death it is a beast, especially with bonewall, since your opponent needs to spam creatures to break the bonewall... but if they do then all their damage is out on the field for SoS to soak up. And in mono-death SoS costs nothing.

So yes, I can't see too many options for any shard to be played outside its own element, the fact that SoR is nearly helpless outside time just means that it was UP before the patch because it needed its time affinity to have a place worth playing.

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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404715#msg404715
« Reply #542 on: October 05, 2011, 04:54:20 pm »
Totally irrelevant post:
Is entropy's new bg some kind of rock or crystal?
There's a forest on dawkness bg!

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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404746#msg404746
« Reply #543 on: October 05, 2011, 06:02:02 pm »
Until we can use the cards in pvp, I think they are fine the way they are now.  Also the quanta cap should go back to 50, 75 is pointless unless you're playing firestall, and that is only one deck, plus using fahrenheit, you don't even need 75 quanta, probably not even 50 half the time.  And stone skin is fine at 50, any argument saying it should be at 75 no longer counts, it is a card that doesn't get used enough for any argument to count. 

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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404749#msg404749
« Reply #544 on: October 05, 2011, 06:06:52 pm »
Until we can use the cards in pvp, I think they are fine the way they are now.  Also the quanta cap should go back to 50, 75 is pointless unless you're playing firestall, and that is only one deck, plus using fahrenheit, you don't even need 75 quanta, probably not even 50 half the time.  And stone skin is fine at 50, any argument saying it should be at 75 no longer counts, it is a card that doesn't get used enough for any argument to count.
75 is barely enough for ROL/Hope to still be relevant as a grinder, 50 would pretty much kill it.
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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404759#msg404759
« Reply #545 on: October 05, 2011, 06:21:55 pm »
Until we can use the cards in pvp, I think they are fine the way they are now.  Also the quanta cap should go back to 50, 75 is pointless unless you're playing firestall, and that is only one deck, plus using fahrenheit, you don't even need 75 quanta, probably not even 50 half the time.  And stone skin is fine at 50, any argument saying it should be at 75 no longer counts, it is a card that doesn't get used enough for any argument to count.
75 is barely enough for ROL/Hope to still be relevant as a grinder, 50 would pretty much kill it.
RoL Hope works well with Archangels too, you know. Also, it's the BEST grinder there is around now, I wouldn't mind it being slightly nerfed.
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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404762#msg404762
« Reply #546 on: October 05, 2011, 06:31:22 pm »
Until we can use the cards in pvp, I think they are fine the way they are now.  Also the quanta cap should go back to 50, 75 is pointless unless you're playing firestall, and that is only one deck, plus using fahrenheit, you don't even need 75 quanta, probably not even 50 half the time.  And stone skin is fine at 50, any argument saying it should be at 75 no longer counts, it is a card that doesn't get used enough for any argument to count.
75 is barely enough for ROL/Hope to still be relevant as a grinder, 50 would pretty much kill it.
RoL Hope works well with Archangels too, you know. Also, it's the BEST grinder there is around now, I wouldn't mind it being slightly nerfed.
dragons are better against FGs with damage reduction shields or healing.  also, with only 6 needed upgraded card and 2-3 rares its fairly newbie accessible.  i havent done the math on archangels vs FGs with miracle though.
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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404803#msg404803
« Reply #547 on: October 05, 2011, 07:31:45 pm »
Until we can use the cards in pvp, I think they are fine the way they are now.  Also the quanta cap should go back to 50, 75 is pointless unless you're playing firestall, and that is only one deck, plus using fahrenheit, you don't even need 75 quanta, probably not even 50 half the time.  And stone skin is fine at 50, any argument saying it should be at 75 no longer counts, it is a card that doesn't get used enough for any argument to count.
75 is barely enough for ROL/Hope to still be relevant as a grinder, 50 would pretty much kill it.
RoL Hope works well with Archangels too, you know. Also, it's the BEST grinder there is around now, I wouldn't mind it being slightly nerfed.
It is also mainly used for FG grinding although it is every once in a while for pvp. Aka, it is almost irrelevant that it is nerfed since  FG's shouldnt be considered.
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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404828#msg404828
« Reply #548 on: October 05, 2011, 08:13:05 pm »
dragons are better against FGs with damage reduction shields or healing.  also, with only 6 needed upgraded card and 2-3 rares its fairly newbie accessible.  i havent done the math on archangels vs FGs with miracle though.
I'm not really sure what the problem is. I've been playing unupped Rol/hope against the FG and think you should be able to do okay against miracle using FGs. Just fractal earlier play a few dragons and calculate the damage so that you can easily tip the balance. Lets say you've fractalled and played 2 of the dragons, you are now doing 40 (ish) damage per turn. With 50 quanta and 4 dragons in hand you can kill FGs with up to 80 hp.

If you aren't going to hit 50-75hp when you fractal, e.g. they are at 120hp then you need to play out more dragons to manage the HP.

Admittedly I haven't done much FG grinding so there might be some subtleties I'm missing.

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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404834#msg404834
« Reply #549 on: October 05, 2011, 08:21:07 pm »
dragons are better against FGs with damage reduction shields or healing.  also, with only 6 needed upgraded card and 2-3 rares its fairly newbie accessible.  i havent done the math on archangels vs FGs with miracle though.
I'm not really sure what the problem is. I've been playing unupped Rol/hope against the FG and think you should be able to do okay against miracle using FGs. Just fractal earlier play a few dragons and calculate the damage so that you can easily tip the balance. Lets say you've fractalled and played 2 of the dragons, you are now doing 40 (ish) damage per turn. With 50 quanta and 4 dragons in hand you can kill FGs with up to 80 hp.

If you aren't going to hit 50-75hp when you fractal, e.g. they are at 120hp then you need to play out more dragons to manage the HP.

Admittedly I haven't done much FG grinding so there might be some subtleties I'm missing.
4 dragons for 40 damage.  the buffer for using miracle is damage on board +30.  its still possible, but you have to pretty much perfectly calculate your damage output.
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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404837#msg404837
« Reply #550 on: October 05, 2011, 08:24:47 pm »
I've been making ridiculous electrum with Archangels in RoL/Hope for about a year, and you never need 75 :light.
It's not a deck that suffers from a cap since I think it works just as well with Angels, and even with Dragons you very rarely need that much. 50 would be a bit bothersome, but 75 gives you 5 Dragons. Not even necessary. You just have to think a little before playing all your awesome Dragons early, roar.

The few decks that suffer slightly from a cap of 75 are Fractal Dragon decks that have no Blitz, which is something you've only seen prominently in War so far. By Team Aether. And that's just slightly.

Something that's completely killed off is Sudden Killer, but that's just a PvE deck, and a pretty mediocre one.
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Re: Elements 1.29 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=31187.msg404839#msg404839
« Reply #551 on: October 05, 2011, 08:27:04 pm »
I've been making ridiculous electrum with Archangels in RoL/Hope for about a year, and you never need 75 :light.
It's not a deck that suffers from a cap since I think it works just as well with Angels, and even with Dragons you very rarely need that much. 50 would be a bit bothersome, but 75 gives you 5 Dragons. Not even necessary. You just have to think a little before playing all your awesome Dragons early, roar.

The few decks that suffer slightly from a cap of 75 are Fractal Dragon decks that have no Blitz, which is something you've only seen prominently in War so far. By Team Aether. And that's just slightly.

Something that's completely killed off is Sudden Killer, but that's just a PvE deck, and a pretty mediocre one.
yeah, i am ok with the cap of 75, its a little bothersome, but manageable. i was explaining why 50 was really bad.  is it still mark dependant?  ive been grinding the regular version while its still easy and havent gone back to the beta,
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