First off, I am loving this new patch. I am overjoyed that an under-used card like Flooding, which I consider to be a very interesting card, is finally getting used. The same goes for SoP, which, imo, seemed rather UP before this change. Seeing these changes made me want to test the combol out, so I decided to do so. However, during the testing, I ran into two things that puzzled me and I decided to come here for answers.
1. After noticing the afore-mentioned buff to SoP, I decided to try a Fractal Mind Flayer deck. I made one, went to AI3 to test it out, and then noticed that by playing multiple SoPs I could gain the damage from extra SoP's, and still only wait 1 turn for the creatures to 'revive'. While this is pretty good, I was wondering if it was intentional?
2. Why was SoS given to AI with healing? I was testing the above SoP deck and I had 2hp, was about to be finished by AI's Owl's Eye, when BANG, I won. I was puzzled by this, wondering why I had won. Then I realized that the AI had multiple Empathic Bond's in play, along with a FFQ and a couple of other creatures. It had literally healed itself to death. So I was wondering why that particular AI had been given SoS, when it would be so easy for it to commit suicide?
Thanks in advance for any answers