Order is important for players too. However it is something that is more interesting to the players that want to know the rules of the game they are playing.
Imagine you had a Guardian Angel targeted both by the Lightning spell and Heal ability. Is its current hp 1 or 6? This depends on which happens first.
Vampire: "The damage dealt is returned to you as healing."
SoS: Swap Damage [to you] with Healing [to you]. [The to you is implied by the condition only affecting one player]
If SoS triggers before Vampire then your interpretation is correct.
Creature attacks, damage is swapped with healing, Vampire returns healing as damage
If Vampire triggers before SoS then your interpretation is incorrect.
Creature attacks, Vampire returns damage as healing, damage is swapped with healing
The second case occurs, therefore SoS triggers after Vampire has passed on the healing.
Event Sequence | Controller of Vampire | Controller of SoS |
Attack | nothing | Damage |
Vampire | Healing | Damage |
SoS | Healing | Healing |
Ugh.. I have to admit that your post make this even more confusing, Oldtree. Since I'm not entirely sure I get what you are saying, pardon me if this make little sense to you.
Referring to the highlighted sentence above, does this mean you believe the part "swap damage with healing" works on both fields?
If yes, wouldn't that means if I have SoS active, the damage from my own creatures, spells, etc will be inverted to heal to my opponent even he doesn't have SoS (which is clearly not happening now)?
If no, I might be missing something here since how can the opponent's vampire inflict damage to its owner without AM? I'm not being critical; it's just frustrating to me that I couldn't understand that particular point.