The arena screen should show the highest rating and league position that a deck has attained since it was created.
e.g. "Current position: 16; Highest position: 2"
I would like to emphasise (wanted to use a fancy word!) this once more. I'd absolutely love this addition since determining my highest rating is all Arena is about for me. (apart from fun deck building)
It'd be lovely if someone could tell me if this is even remotely possible or if it's to much of a hassle to install/code/whatever.
Should be very easy to code..would just have to check after each time the current rank is updated (if current_rank < best_rank) and update it accordingly. Given that there are probably only around 1-3 games being finished per second, it shouldn't be much of an added load to calculate either(certainly much less than calculating the updated current_rank in the first place) and would only be one extra integer to store for each of the 2000 decks, so that would be no issue at all either.
Overall, I see no technical reason why it couldn't be done at least and it would certainly be nice to be able to see this.