- Skull shield now has a small chance (50%/creature HP's) to turn a creature into a skeleton
- Gnome rider unupgraded generates earth quanta, upgraded cost reduced to 0
- Dragonfly unupgraded generates air quanta, upgraded cost reduced to 0
OK, let me begin. New cards look great

. These three I'd like to comment on.
Skull Shield: Looks great. I was thinking that tower shield (new other shield) was the = of upgraded tower shield, but for any quanta, and that really just made it crap, but this changes things. It looks more balanced now.
ignore lol... thanks essence xP
Gnome Rider and Dragonfly:
-Unupped photon doesn't produce light quanta. Somehow, I think this is slightly unbalanced.
I realize that unupped photon producing

would be Hope abused. But, my suggestion is make unupped not produce quanta, but keep the cost the same. I'd like to know what other people think on this. Change? Stay?