I have one question, why are you making False God Fighting more and more unattractive? The Cost Increase on Fractal has already severly lowered my Win-Rate against the false gods (after me spending months to get all cards for it upgraded)
then you made even the most basic falsegods like firefly queen and Osiris use more and more cards, throughout making a successfull spin on their cards a chance of less then 20% (while other extremely hard to beat falsegods like rainnbow have a spinchance of even less then like 5% cause they are just using too many cards to get 2 of the same onto the rolls)
and now you are introducing new, pretty crazy strong falsegods to make it EVEN harder? I mean, how am i ever supposed to beat Jezebel... an AI that does nothing but steal all my pillars and turn them into nymphs that then devour me up and are protected by cloak and aether

nymphs... CRAZY TIME?
all in all, i guess i can take my fully upgraded deck and go back to lvl 3 farming cause by now its the more efficient way to earn electrum coins...

I would be very glad if you would consider adding in one or two a bit easier falsegods that can actually be beaten at a good rate or use a more basic deck strategy and have a higher spinchance if you beat them.
keep elements fun, not frustrating (100 FG matches = down to 24% wins (previously more then 50%) and 0 card spins isnt any fun

Thanks for creating Elements.