I also simply didnt get the point of most balancing changes. Its obviously not related to that poll about more overpowered cards. Graboid had 5% of votes. Because of this its not nerfed (in fact I think it IS overpowered, but not because of the skill cost, I think the graboid should cost 4, maybe 5 earth)? And the lava golem, the card didnt get 1% of the votes and was nerfed. Thanks to that my pillarless deck (the one designed by plastiqe) is now much less effective, wow, great. The card is rarely used on rainbows, whats the point? Make weak a deck used to grind AI3?
I also think, like someone said, that making rainbow weak is non-sense. Just make another strategies playable. So, arent we supposed to have powerfull cards? I think all elements should have powerfull cards according to its playing style. Then I checked the card usage tool. And looks like zanz is doing this:
- if a card is very used, then (he thinks) its overpowered and it gets a nerf.
- if a card is almost not used, then it gets a buff.
No need to say I think its a terrible non-sense. Look that almost everyone is playing rainbow decks according to the pillar stats. Of course a rainbow try to maximize the use of the quanta, having most usefull cards, at low costs, from each element. So we need to punish rainbow, by nerfing the best cards of each element? And if we do so, when will the mono decks be powerfull, huh? And this is just making AI6 more and more difficult, because of all those advantages they already have above us.
Whats zanz goal? Making AI6 more difficult? Having all cards played at same amounts (like there are really no powerfull cards)? Punish rainbow deck users (if so, he could reduce quantum pillar production to 2, or increase normal pillar production to 2, and it would be much better), but again, for what (increase AI6 difficulty)? So I simply dont understand the point about nerfing cards just because they ARE BEING USED (arent they supposed to be used?). If someone does, please help me.
Ps: that said, I liked a lot the mulligan thing, new cards, etc.