Pardon me for a moment while I get a little affronted, and I'm sorry if I come across as tooting my own horn.
yet seem to have nothing to contribute to improving the quality of the game
Nothing to contribute to the quality of the game? That's a laugh coming from someone with barely 20 posts to his name, no title, no sign of community involvement except for a couple of snarky posts attacking...something? -- especially directed toward someone who spearheaded -- as one example -- the derailment of the ubergrind (legendary card concept Zanz first had) which would have severely negatively impacted game quality, has a position as an Elemental Master, and is writing the new Oracle fortunes for Zanzarino. Your contribution here has been to be unclear, vaguely insulting, and not at all useful.
Pull your Gavel out of your Black Hole and stop spreading Discord or you'll never get any Momentum -- and never build an Empathic Bond with the community you think you're just Blessing with your Nova-like brilliance. You think you're a Colossal Dragon, but you're just a Micro Abomination -- and a Shrieker besides. Go Burrow yourself.
after reading that i'm willing to bear your micro abominations
i'll get around the fact i'm male somehow
anyone got a fallen druid who can mutate me?
lol but seriously quite possibly THE most epic post i've seen here bar none
i see the newer cards are added and i'll give them a whirl
i've noticed (and i see many have soon thereafter) that protect artifact is becoming a very key card in keeping your stuff on the board and leads to something interesting
just an observation but the AI is slowly making more human moves and abusing it's advantage but this also means if it get's a hand full of destruction and all you have is a quinted oty and a few towers with PA on it that it's literally got a DEAD HAND which means if you can keep board control (not impossible sometimes) that you can actually annihilate some of the gods
might experiment with one or two new cards but i can't REALLY see nymphs tears being anything for rainbow to be looking at much
still there's some nice additions

i'll play a little more and reserve judgement on the FG's although i do feel there's still a tiny bit of a power imbalance in their favor
incomplete AI or not that is