Heya this is my first post. I just thought I'd reply since there seems to be such a little response to this update. I really liked it. I had been playing for about a month on and off, I got my rainbow deck(with just 4 or 5 upgrades) up and running to do an alright job against the false gods, and the 1.15 update just came out. I was a little dismayed when the sundials were nerfed and I had nothing to do besides repeatedly play the lvl 3's, since the FGs hammered me, but with this new patch I see what I think you were trying to do. People like me can now pretty much get 80 coins off the lvl 5's 90 to 95% of the time so it's a good source of income but there's something for me to work toward when I get better and get enough upgrades to try to take down a few FGs.