In fact there are mono decks (

, but I heard about


too ) that can be used against FG, just with much lower winning percentage than a rainbow. I never used these though...
New cards generally offer new capabilities to elements. For example hope gives

a good defense it lacked before (miracle was a sort of defensive spell, but not enough to make

a viable mono against FG)

has butterfly effect, so it has both creature and permanent control...

gained a viable creature control in a form of thorn shield...
And I like these changes. In my opinion every element should have some kind of creature control and permanent control, especially because these are very broad terms, there are already very different kinds of creature control and each suiting it's element.
The harder question is if every element should have access to healing. Right now there are SoGs, but still some elements are good at EM and some are not. For me it's hard to tell if it is just and balanced - in fact


suit very well with healing, while I can't imagine a good reason to give


... though if someone has a good idea how to give each element a way to heal itself while making it still different for each one, I guess it should be so. Earth has stone skin for example - a perfect example of how healing can be different.
So I think it is possible to give each element a kind of control needed to face FG... it only needs a bunch of good ideas how to make it different for each element and suiting it's theme.
Though there is one thing that concerns me... permanent and creature protection. Against FG it seems necessary - they can play creatures twice as fast as you, while still removing all your creatures and permanents... so every element should have a way to protect it's creatures and permanents, but right now only


have it (


have some indestructible permanents though), and I guess it would be really hard to design 12 different ways to protect creatures and permanents. If there were no gravity pulls, firebolts, icebolts and drain lifes I would consider guardian angels healing and rewind a way to protect creatures, but with these spells even 8 or 10 hp is low against a FG...
I have an idea of creature/permanent protection for

(through making cards destroyed by opponent reappear in your deck), but no one has commented on it yet (probably due to much more interesting events like v.1.20 and 1.21 happening in the meantime

)... and I guess that idea would require a lot of balancing so that it cannot be abused... and I see a problem with it, that it still needs a PA on that one permanent to make it work, so maybe that permanent should be made immaterial, but this would make it OP probably...
(,3939.msg43160#msg43160 )