Kurohami, it's obvious that when AI gets improved, some of the advantages AI has will be removed, or some other solution will be found to give players more advantage, so that fighting FG still makes sense.
I think chess playing algorithms could be a good example.
Imagine the time when programmers were just beginning to write chess algorithms and computers were still slow and had little memory.
Any chess player with a bit of experience could easily beat AI, because of their 'stupidity'.
So, to make chess games against AI more fun, let's allow AI to make two moves every time you move once, or give him more figures, or allow him to 'respawn' figures you take down with 50% probability... or something like that.
Now playing against AI is fun once again... but does that solve the problem? No!
The better solution is to improve AI, so that it can play as good as a living person. This happened in chess, so that now AI can beat the best chess players even without 'fake advantages'. You can even adjust how 'intelligent' AI is through changing some variables in it's algorithm, to make easier AIs that are fun to play against by inexperienced players.
Obviously it's a bit different with a collectible card game. First of all making a really good AI is really hard and takes time. Second thing is that False Gods having some advantages makes sense due to story settings (they are not elementals, but more powerful creatures, something similar to bosses in computer games).
My conclusion is that there should be some AI level where you can play an equal match (AI playing like a real living person, with no advantages like 200 hp, but with a reasonable artificial intelligence), and some uber-AI-level where not only he plays with intelligence, but also some advantages, so that experienced players can have some kind of challange similar to fighting bosses, but there could be some way to improve your chances so that these experienced players can actually win... it could be anything - from knowing your opponent beforehand, so that you can construct a couterdeck, to ability to fight multiple players against a single uber-AI... I guess time will show what Zanz can think of, to solve this problem, but clearly leaving AI as dumb as it is right now is not the best solution. (IMHO
