Okay, started playing with the t500 beta and I noticed a few things:
1) There's no real incentive to play against the platinum level decks. Sure you might win a nice chunk of change, but more likely you're just going to lose. Hard. These decks are FG buffed, plus they have shards. The best anti-FG decks can't simultaneously deal with 12 regens + antimatter + denial of any sort. That also has the unfortnuate side effect that those of us with platinum level scores can't really "earn" anything by making decks. No one plays against the class, then the decks don't get much play. D'oh.
2) I was confused by the random card choice. Really, I was confused by the whole layout. I think I'll figure most of it out soon enough, but maybe some labels/instructions would help. But most important, I didn't see where to randomly choose my deck card... so I have skeleton. After playing a bunch of decks, it looks like lots of people got skeleton. As though it were the default card before you get one at random... D'oh!
3) You can modify your deck after you submit it. Cool! Except you can't put in a code. Oh well. I hit "remove" and then I start putting in cards. Surprise! The random cards were removed, but each of my first 5 additions were rewritten as the random card (skeleton). And the selected card was taken from my library. Start over fixed this, but that seems like a confusing bug too.
4) I think this has real promise, but some issues need to be worked out. Like the unintendend penalty for having a high score. Oh, and speaking of score... no more score board?