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  • DoctorC is a Mummy waiting to discover the path to glory.DoctorC is a Mummy waiting to discover the path to glory.DoctorC is a Mummy waiting to discover the path to glory.DoctorC is a Mummy waiting to discover the path to glory.
  • Pixelated Elementals
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Round 6 writing task https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=65994.msg1276398#msg1276398
« on: April 26, 2018, 05:45:32 pm »
There were a lot of moments it liked to replay. Almost constantly, something would snap: a person might make a clumsy move, or forget something on their stove, or leave something too closely to an edge of a counter. Those little things wouldn't seem important, until it is too late and the calamity has already begun by a misplaced shoe or an uncharged battery. It, the Time, liked replaying these moments over and over in its endless memory.

One of its favorite catastrophes was the Fall of the Ancestors - a great tragedy (at least for parties involved) beginning in but a greedy person. Most of the cases, Time didn't bother to remember the names, as they always seemed so shallow to a being that it was. But Time remembered him, a greedy ancestor, who sold secrets of a fascinating weapon, designed to crush down planets and blow out stars like they were candlelights, to a pack of stray pirates and bandits, barely able to travel through interstellar space, let alone knowing how to handle the mastery of the Ancestors. The greedy ancestor soon perished, but his actions remained unchanged, and as a fleet of cruise ships, filled to the brim with best and brightest people of the planet, was sailing off for a stroll across the galaxy to celebrate the invention of interdimensional travel, the bandits caught Ancestors' home planet off guard, leaving science fleet to return to nothing but floating dust and rubble.

The survivors were furious. Creatures of science and reason were turned into savage, uncontrollable beasts who's only desire was to avenge their fallen families. Time smiled as it remembered the few ones who thought they could stop the rage of their brethren. It carefully and slowly replayed the days of slaughter, of the pacifists, then the bandits, and then anyone who thought it's a good idea to try and calm these creatures down.

Finally, things were calming down. Ancestors, still cross, but now considerably more lucid, decided to leave this universe for good, so that no one could turn their knowledge against themselves...

...It wasn't meant to be, was it?...
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