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[ROUND 2] MAPPER/LOG-KEEPER https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=65854.msg1275556#msg1275556
« on: March 27, 2018, 12:34:03 pm »
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« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 01:47:31 pm by DoctorC »
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Offline TribalTrouble

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Re: [ROUND 2] MAPPER/LOG-KEEPER https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=65854.msg1275589#msg1275589
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2018, 06:08:15 pm »
Table Of Contents:
Alien Writing                         City Map

We land on the ruined planet, ever inquisitive of what hidden secrets may lay before us.
As we exit the ship, some unknown force hits us like a tidal wave. Mr.Muffin, our mechanic and mission specialist, and I, functioning as log-keeper, and pilot, stagger back, feeling queasy. It takes a minute for our bodies to adjust themselves to this new planet’s gravitational force.
We notice that there’s some strange humming and crackling thundering in our ears. We might as well be deaf! Is it radio interference? But everything seems abandoned, overgrown. Is that antenna we saw the cause of this interference? No matter, we’ll just have to make do with hand gestures in the meantime.
As we traverse forward, I look over at DoctorC. In addition to duoing as our Mission Commander and captain, he also is Serenity’s top cartographer. He is entirely focused on charting out the area. Should we encounter a complication, this may allow future teams to pick up where we left off.
The planet seems to be abandoned. As we cross the rubble, Doctor motions for us to turn right and follow him to examine a wall of the remnants of a structure that seems different from the others. It seems to be glowing… violet? How can that be?

As we get up closer I begin examining the strange characters scribbled on the wall. Or is it just wear from the environment? Either way, I immediately get to work deciphering whatever I can make out. After spending what seems like almost an entire earth day’s worth of time I finally decipher it.

The gate is malfunctioning. Do not turn it on.
The scavengers, they came at us from the other side.
Every death is scavenged against us.
Turn back. There is no hope to be found here.
Save yourselves before they do it for you...

Uh oh, I’m not quite sure what this means, or what these ‘scavengers’ are, but if they’re still here it can’t bode well for us. I need to tell DoctorC and Muffin - wait, where did they run off to? Oh no, what if they find ‘the gate’? I have to find them before it's too late!

"Doctor? Muffin? This isn't funny!", I call out in the hopes someone will be able to hear me over this deafening interference. Sigh... well maybe if I just turn this corner they'll be- oh...
...as I turn the corner, I see what looks to be some sort of portal. It seems to be crackling, erratically switching between an almost full portal shape with tiny holes in it and a more partial one. Meanwhile, there's some strange gas emitting from it, yet contained in a strange sphere, discoloring the air around it. This must be the gate that was mentioned in the writings! Hmm, but then it has been on the entire time we've been here. If the writings are true-Suddenly, DoctorC comes up behind me and hands me his completed map.
As I examine it I notice our landing location is marked as an X. The wall, gate, and what he later tells me is an underground passage leading to some sort of alien subway station are all marked on the map. Complete with detailed portrayals of the various walls and towers strewn throughout the city. Impressive! Hmm wait a minute... there seems to be no exit from this place other than the subway and the path we took to get here? Well, hopefully we don't run into any scavengers while we're down here...
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 07:27:36 pm by TribalTrouble »

