Been meaning to post this, but I've been a little busy. I think a great starter deck for new players is an earth/time deck. Start off with the time deck, sell everything, and buy 18 earth pillars, 6 graboids, and 6 shriekers (you'll need to do the first few quests to have enough money). The nice thing about this deck is it's fast against AI3 and you can switch back and forth between this deck and your False God deck. Especially in the beginning, you're going to lose a lot to the False Gods and will need to go back to AI3 to make more money. With this deck, you won't have to spend 100 coins to switch your mark to use your old deck. Although the False God deck will win in AI3 too, it's much slower making money than this earth/time deck. Anyways, it's just another option. Good luck.

tested this guide today.
started a new account, built the deck dragoon listed here. got up to 500 points, then farmed t50 with it while i was testing optimum farm deck composition on my main account. this deck won better than half the time against t50. after picking up a some rares and getting 2100 electrum, i built the basic (no-upgrades) scaredgirl rainbow. i won about 1 out of 5 initially, and ended up with 5 upgraded cards in the deck after another couple hours. i started playing the false gods with about 250 electrum and never lost enough that i had to go back to lvl3 or t50.
of course, i have more experience (and focus/patience) than most new players, so it went smoother for me. but still, from new account to partially upgraded rainbow in about 5 hours of play is pretty good.
final stats for the day
score:2486 won:89 lost:52 electrum:882
upgraded cards:5